The EttieKits® Single Test Quest!

By Erin Jackson



NZ $20,213 pledged

104 people pledged


NZ $20,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 15/04/2024 at 3:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


The EttieKits® Single Test Quest!

Project 2024-03-11 09:51:12 +1300

Thought syphilis was gone with the sailors?

Think again.

Sexually Transmitted Infections are on the rise.

Most people feel embarrassed about talking about STIs, awkward about going to the doctor, and not up to speed with what is going on with our sexual health - yet more than half of us will contract an STI in our lifetime.

As regular testing is not yet widely encouraged and available in New Zealand, this means people could be passing on STI’s without knowing it.

Introducing EttieKits®: four single-use, at-home tests that give reliable results for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and herpes-2 in less than 15 minutes. EttieKits® are discreet, fast and reliable and they’re changing the game in terms of people being able to stay on top of their sexual health.

In 2022, there were just over 25,000 chlamydia cases, nearly 7,000 gonorrhoea cases, and 486 syphilis cases. Left untreated STIs can be devastating; Chlamydia – which is the most common STI in New Zealand – can lead to infertility in women and arthritis, while syphilis is fatal. That's why regular testing is important for a happy, healthy sex life.

Named for Ettie Rout, Aotearoa New Zealand’s first sexual health crusader, EttieKits® are a product of the Project Gender Innovation Studio. We are serious about radical positive change and bridging the gap between untapped market potential and groundbreaking solutions. Get bedside certified by regularly testing with EttieKits® - sigh with pleasure, screen at leisure.

Time to #F*ckResponsibly!

Who are we?

Project Gender Innovation Studio is founded and run by Angela Meyer, Tania Domett and Erin Jackson. 

In our 2022 Online Sex and Dating Survey results, a surprising trend emerged among daters over 50—embracing fun but neglecting sexual health, with 84% skipping STI tests. 

Our community also shared surprising sexual health tales, from former partners revealing they had a “ spot of chlamydia ‘ to undetected infections lasting years. Another was on to his third bout of gonorrhoea that year and a parent shared her concern as her son made a nonchalant comparison of a chlamydia case to an ear infection. Healthcare pros noted a rising trend of STIs in 45+ individuals, emphasised by concerning national stats. 

The findings underscored the urgent need for an accessible STI testing solution cutting across age barriers. 

Enter, EttieKits®. 

Our Innovation Studio creates products and services that meet a need and inspire change by marrying technological innovation with deep social understanding. 

We are a multi-disciplinary team of expert researchers, strategists, innovators and social advocates with a mission to fast-track radical positive change for women. 

It led us to leading the advocacy for the inclusion of National Women’s Health Strategy into the Pae Ora Legislation, delivering Mako Mama Mangopare - the most comprehensive report and set of recommendations on what single parents need to thrive, and now, to developing EttieKits® 


What are we crowdfunding for?

Right now, we're crowdfunding for a crucial expansion—a game-changing move to offer single tests for individual STIs. 

Currently, our kits are sent out in sets of four, but we've listened to our customers, and we know they want the flexibility to buy a single kit. 

By expanding this way, we aim to reach more people and amplify our impact. 

Your support in this campaign will help us make that happen.


What do you get in return?

Join the movement to cut down STIs and carry on Ettie's legacy! 

Explore our rewards, from test kits to exclusive info and merchandise. 

Embrace the chance to proudly shout to the world - #F*ckResponsibly!!



Updates 7

You need to pledge to see this update.

You need to pledge to see this update.

You need to pledge to see this update.

Just under $5K to go - and 5 hours to do it in!

15/04/2024 at 11:21 AM

Kia ora koutou e te whānau, 

Thank you so much for all of your support - we're so close, and we'd love to get this over the line and wrapped up today. We've got $4,742 left to raise - so, this is our final ask for your support. 

As one of the champions who have pledged & followed our journey, we would love for you to just prompt 1 or 2 people to pledge - if all 87 of those who have pledged did that, and 87 more people gave $50, we're just about at the target. Social proof is everything - so, telling people that you've supported our campaign will often be the catalyst for others to pledge too. 

(Besides, you also really want your pledge reward too, don't you?! A reminder that, if we don't make it, these won't happen....!). 

Thanks again for all of your support - promise that you'll hear a bit less from us once we get this over the line 😉

To make it super easy, here's some text that you can copy and paste into an email! 

THANK YOU ALL! See you on the other side! 

Erin, Ange & Tania x 


Text to copy & share 

Kia ora!

A quick note to let you know that I've just pledged to support the EttieKits PledgeMe campaign - and I think that you might be interested in doing so too!

EttieKits are a product born out of Project Gender: they're DIY STI tests (much like a RAT test), to help combat the rapidly rising rates of STIs across the country.

In the four months since EttieKits launched, Erin, Angela & Tania have signed a major distribution deal, progressed a number of strategic partnerships - and sold a lot of Multi-Kits along the way. 

They're currently crowdfunding to bring the single tests to the market (which is essentially launching four different products), based on customer demand. The funds raised will cover the costs of packaging, design and setting up the single kits - which will also make testing for the most common STIs (like chlamydia) more accessible for a number of people. 

They've reached 76% of their target - and they just need another $4,742 by 3pm today. Can you help? There are a heap of fun rewards on offer too - check out the page, here

Thank you for your support! 

Breaking news - AND a new reward!

12/04/2024 at 6:01 AM

We’ve had a bloody big week - we’ve progressed a major & promising partnership, we’ve caught up with our friends at ATMS & Share Satisfaction AND we went to Parliament on Wednesday to honour the one and only, Ettie Rout.


In amongst all of that, we’ve had an awesome surge in our PledgeMe campaign - and so we’ve hatched a plan with the epic team behind the platform - they’ve given us 48 more hours to raise the money that we need to bring single kits to life. Thank you PledgeMe for being epic champions of our mission! 


So, to celebrate, we’ve pulled together one more reward - Lucky Dip kits! Thanks to aforementioned friends at Share Satisfaction, you can now pledge $75 to get a lucky dip! That will include a TOY (the adult kind), some lube & a single EttieKit. What are you waiting for?!


Huge thanks to all of our friends and supporters who are on this journey with us - we promise, if you help us raise this last $12K, we’ll be (a bit) quieter for a while! 


Get your order for a Lucky Dip kit in, tag a mate or just support our mahi - anything is gratefully received. Thank you! 

48 hours & $15K to go - can you help us defy the odds?!

09/04/2024 at 3:51 PM

Okay, let's address the elephant in the room. 

It's a bloody hard time to raise money. Between economic uncertainty, cuts to services and the cost of living crisis, there are a lot of reasons to tighten the proverbial purse-strings. We absolutely feel that. 

But, we're still asking for support for EttieKits® at the moment - why is that? Firstly - regardless of your political leanings, we're seeing a significant shift in priorities. Those priorities are going to have ramifications of access and equity across the board; but, particularly also within healthcare. While sexual safety isn't ER departments (well, mostly), it is vitally important. EttieKits® are a part of the sexual healthcare puzzle - and we would argue that, with rising costs and healthcare access barriers, they're an even more important jigsaw piece.Secondly, we're all going to need to support those who are challenging the status quo over the coming years. Doing things differently, trying new ideas and testing to see what works is all going to be vital - after all, it's the power of community and innovation that often prevails.So, a massive thank you to the 49 of you who have already pledged. We get how challenging it is out there - and we're so grateful for support. 

Now, with 48 hours to go, we've got one more ask - can you help us by telling three friends about the campaign? Let them know that you've supported us - and that it would mean the world to us if they did too. 

It would be pretty exceptional to be able to raise the $15K that we need in the next two days - but we know that we're surrounded by some pretty exceptional people. 

THANK YOU for your support - and here's to defying the odds!

Ngā mihi nui, 

Erin, Ange & Tania x 

One week in - thank you for all of your support!

20/03/2024 at 9:39 AM

Kia ora koutou,


We’re already one week into our crowdfunding campaign!


A massive thank you to everyone who has pledged. We’re one step closer to helping New Zealanders #F*ckResponsibly. 


In case you missed our pitch (i.e. the video of us talking about why we're crowdfunding), it's available on YouTube - and linked here as well. A helpful explainer of who we are & why we're runnning this campaign.


While we've got you, can we ask a cheeky favour? As someone who has been a supporter of this mahi, could you please share our PledgeMe campaign with your networks? We would love your support in spreading the word. This is all a part of changing the kōrero around STIs and testing - and we'd love any assistance that you can provide.


(Plus, there’s still a range of amazing rewards on offer, from adorable feminist tote bags to a tour around some of the sexiest statues in Tāmaki Makaurau. We've also got a new one coming today... watch this space!).


Together, let’s make EttieKits® the catalyst for positive change.


Ngā mihi nui for all of your support!


Erin, Angela & Tania x


    Pledgers 104

    15/04/2024 at 2:57pm

    "Go you great women behind Ettiekit. "

    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 2:56pm
    Jordan Lynskey
    15/04/2024 at 2:36pm
    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 1:56pm
    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 1:52pm
    Mark Christensen
    15/04/2024 at 1:34pm
    15/04/2024 at 1:23pm

    "Amazing work! "

    Paula Neme
    15/04/2024 at 12:36pm

    "Keep up the good mahi!!"

    15/04/2024 at 12:12pm
    Emma Barnes
    15/04/2024 at 12:12pm
    Sarah Fitzpatrick
    15/04/2024 at 12:06pm
    Vivian Chandra
    15/04/2024 at 12:03pm
    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 12:01pm
    Joel Palmer
    15/04/2024 at 11:38am
    15/04/2024 at 11:36am
    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 11:16am
    15/04/2024 at 11:09am
    15/04/2024 at 11:07am
    Anonymous pledger
    15/04/2024 at 9:56am
    Michaela Latimer
    14/04/2024 at 10:07pm
    Pamela Bell
    14/04/2024 at 7:49am
    Anonymous pledger
    13/04/2024 at 2:52pm
    Nicole Retter
    13/04/2024 at 1:20pm

    "Amazing mahi"

    alexandra millen
    13/04/2024 at 12:35pm

    "Another awesome initiative from EVJ. Good luck team "

    Rosie Roberts
    13/04/2024 at 11:09am
    13/04/2024 at 10:42am
    Chelsea Skinner
    13/04/2024 at 9:42am
    Chloe Walker
    12/04/2024 at 7:04pm
    Marianne Dutkiewicz
    12/04/2024 at 5:21pm
    Ros Connelly
    12/04/2024 at 11:19am


    Followers of The EttieKits® Single Test Quest!

    The EttieKits® Single Test Quest!

    Project 2024-03-11 09:51:12 +1300

    Thought syphilis was gone with the sailors?

    Think again.

    Sexually Transmitted Infections are on the rise.

    Most people feel embarrassed about talking about STIs, awkward about going to the doctor, and not up to speed with what is going on with our sexual health - yet more than half of us will contract an STI in our lifetime.

    As regular testing is not yet widely encouraged and available in New Zealand, this means people could be passing on STI’s without knowing it.

    Introducing EttieKits®: four single-use, at-home tests that give reliable results for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and herpes-2 in less than 15 minutes. EttieKits® are discreet, fast and reliable and they’re changing the game in terms of people being able to stay on top of their sexual health.

    In 2022, there were just over 25,000 chlamydia cases, nearly 7,000 gonorrhoea cases, and 486 syphilis cases. Left untreated STIs can be devastating; Chlamydia – which is the most common STI in New Zealand – can lead to infertility in women and arthritis, while syphilis is fatal. That's why regular testing is important for a happy, healthy sex life.

    Named for Ettie Rout, Aotearoa New Zealand’s first sexual health crusader, EttieKits® are a product of the Project Gender Innovation Studio. We are serious about radical positive change and bridging the gap between untapped market potential and groundbreaking solutions. Get bedside certified by regularly testing with EttieKits® - sigh with pleasure, screen at leisure.

    Time to #F*ckResponsibly!

    Who are we?

    Project Gender Innovation Studio is founded and run by Angela Meyer, Tania Domett and Erin Jackson. 

    In our 2022 Online Sex and Dating Survey results, a surprising trend emerged among daters over 50—embracing fun but neglecting sexual health, with 84% skipping STI tests. 

    Our community also shared surprising sexual health tales, from former partners revealing they had a “ spot of chlamydia ‘ to undetected infections lasting years. Another was on to his third bout of gonorrhoea that year and a parent shared her concern as her son made a nonchalant comparison of a chlamydia case to an ear infection. Healthcare pros noted a rising trend of STIs in 45+ individuals, emphasised by concerning national stats. 

    The findings underscored the urgent need for an accessible STI testing solution cutting across age barriers. 

    Enter, EttieKits®. 

    Our Innovation Studio creates products and services that meet a need and inspire change by marrying technological innovation with deep social understanding. 

    We are a multi-disciplinary team of expert researchers, strategists, innovators and social advocates with a mission to fast-track radical positive change for women. 

    It led us to leading the advocacy for the inclusion of National Women’s Health Strategy into the Pae Ora Legislation, delivering Mako Mama Mangopare - the most comprehensive report and set of recommendations on what single parents need to thrive, and now, to developing EttieKits® 


    What are we crowdfunding for?

    Right now, we're crowdfunding for a crucial expansion—a game-changing move to offer single tests for individual STIs. 

    Currently, our kits are sent out in sets of four, but we've listened to our customers, and we know they want the flexibility to buy a single kit. 

    By expanding this way, we aim to reach more people and amplify our impact. 

    Your support in this campaign will help us make that happen.


    What do you get in return?

    Join the movement to cut down STIs and carry on Ettie's legacy! 

    Explore our rewards, from test kits to exclusive info and merchandise. 

    Embrace the chance to proudly shout to the world - #F*ckResponsibly!!



    You need to pledge to see this update.

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    Just under $5K to go - and 5 hours to do it in!

    15/04/2024 at 11:21 AM

    Kia ora koutou e te whānau, 

    Thank you so much for all of your support - we're so close, and we'd love to get this over the line and wrapped up today. We've got $4,742 left to raise - so, this is our final ask for your support. 

    As one of the champions who have pledged & followed our journey, we would love for you to just prompt 1 or 2 people to pledge - if all 87 of those who have pledged did that, and 87 more people gave $50, we're just about at the target. Social proof is everything - so, telling people that you've supported our campaign will often be the catalyst for others to pledge too. 

    (Besides, you also really want your pledge reward too, don't you?! A reminder that, if we don't make it, these won't happen....!). 

    Thanks again for all of your support - promise that you'll hear a bit less from us once we get this over the line 😉

    To make it super easy, here's some text that you can copy and paste into an email! 

    THANK YOU ALL! See you on the other side! 

    Erin, Ange & Tania x 


    Text to copy & share 

    Kia ora!

    A quick note to let you know that I've just pledged to support the EttieKits PledgeMe campaign - and I think that you might be interested in doing so too!

    EttieKits are a product born out of Project Gender: they're DIY STI tests (much like a RAT test), to help combat the rapidly rising rates of STIs across the country.

    In the four months since EttieKits launched, Erin, Angela & Tania have signed a major distribution deal, progressed a number of strategic partnerships - and sold a lot of Multi-Kits along the way. 

    They're currently crowdfunding to bring the single tests to the market (which is essentially launching four different products), based on customer demand. The funds raised will cover the costs of packaging, design and setting up the single kits - which will also make testing for the most common STIs (like chlamydia) more accessible for a number of people. 

    They've reached 76% of their target - and they just need another $4,742 by 3pm today. Can you help? There are a heap of fun rewards on offer too - check out the page, here

    Thank you for your support! 

    Breaking news - AND a new reward!

    12/04/2024 at 6:01 AM

    We’ve had a bloody big week - we’ve progressed a major & promising partnership, we’ve caught up with our friends at ATMS & Share Satisfaction AND we went to Parliament on Wednesday to honour the one and only, Ettie Rout.


    In amongst all of that, we’ve had an awesome surge in our PledgeMe campaign - and so we’ve hatched a plan with the epic team behind the platform - they’ve given us 48 more hours to raise the money that we need to bring single kits to life. Thank you PledgeMe for being epic champions of our mission! 


    So, to celebrate, we’ve pulled together one more reward - Lucky Dip kits! Thanks to aforementioned friends at Share Satisfaction, you can now pledge $75 to get a lucky dip! That will include a TOY (the adult kind), some lube & a single EttieKit. What are you waiting for?!


    Huge thanks to all of our friends and supporters who are on this journey with us - we promise, if you help us raise this last $12K, we’ll be (a bit) quieter for a while! 


    Get your order for a Lucky Dip kit in, tag a mate or just support our mahi - anything is gratefully received. Thank you! 

    48 hours & $15K to go - can you help us defy the odds?!

    09/04/2024 at 3:51 PM

    Okay, let's address the elephant in the room. 

    It's a bloody hard time to raise money. Between economic uncertainty, cuts to services and the cost of living crisis, there are a lot of reasons to tighten the proverbial purse-strings. We absolutely feel that. 

    But, we're still asking for support for EttieKits® at the moment - why is that? Firstly - regardless of your political leanings, we're seeing a significant shift in priorities. Those priorities are going to have ramifications of access and equity across the board; but, particularly also within healthcare. While sexual safety isn't ER departments (well, mostly), it is vitally important. EttieKits® are a part of the sexual healthcare puzzle - and we would argue that, with rising costs and healthcare access barriers, they're an even more important jigsaw piece.Secondly, we're all going to need to support those who are challenging the status quo over the coming years. Doing things differently, trying new ideas and testing to see what works is all going to be vital - after all, it's the power of community and innovation that often prevails.So, a massive thank you to the 49 of you who have already pledged. We get how challenging it is out there - and we're so grateful for support. 

    Now, with 48 hours to go, we've got one more ask - can you help us by telling three friends about the campaign? Let them know that you've supported us - and that it would mean the world to us if they did too. 

    It would be pretty exceptional to be able to raise the $15K that we need in the next two days - but we know that we're surrounded by some pretty exceptional people. 

    THANK YOU for your support - and here's to defying the odds!

    Ngā mihi nui, 

    Erin, Ange & Tania x 

    One week in - thank you for all of your support!

    20/03/2024 at 9:39 AM

    Kia ora koutou,


    We’re already one week into our crowdfunding campaign!


    A massive thank you to everyone who has pledged. We’re one step closer to helping New Zealanders #F*ckResponsibly. 


    In case you missed our pitch (i.e. the video of us talking about why we're crowdfunding), it's available on YouTube - and linked here as well. A helpful explainer of who we are & why we're runnning this campaign.


    While we've got you, can we ask a cheeky favour? As someone who has been a supporter of this mahi, could you please share our PledgeMe campaign with your networks? We would love your support in spreading the word. This is all a part of changing the kōrero around STIs and testing - and we'd love any assistance that you can provide.


    (Plus, there’s still a range of amazing rewards on offer, from adorable feminist tote bags to a tour around some of the sexiest statues in Tāmaki Makaurau. We've also got a new one coming today... watch this space!).


    Together, let’s make EttieKits® the catalyst for positive change.


    Ngā mihi nui for all of your support!


    Erin, Angela & Tania x


      15/04/2024 at 2:57pm

      "Go you great women behind Ettiekit. "

      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 2:56pm
      Jordan Lynskey
      15/04/2024 at 2:36pm
      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 1:56pm
      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 1:52pm
      Mark Christensen
      15/04/2024 at 1:34pm
      15/04/2024 at 1:23pm

      "Amazing work! "

      Paula Neme
      15/04/2024 at 12:36pm

      "Keep up the good mahi!!"

      15/04/2024 at 12:12pm
      Emma Barnes
      15/04/2024 at 12:12pm
      Sarah Fitzpatrick
      15/04/2024 at 12:06pm
      Vivian Chandra
      15/04/2024 at 12:03pm
      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 12:01pm
      Joel Palmer
      15/04/2024 at 11:38am
      15/04/2024 at 11:36am
      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 11:16am
      15/04/2024 at 11:09am
      15/04/2024 at 11:07am
      Anonymous pledger
      15/04/2024 at 9:56am
      Michaela Latimer
      14/04/2024 at 10:07pm
      Pamela Bell
      14/04/2024 at 7:49am
      Anonymous pledger
      13/04/2024 at 2:52pm
      Nicole Retter
      13/04/2024 at 1:20pm

      "Amazing mahi"

      alexandra millen
      13/04/2024 at 12:35pm

      "Another awesome initiative from EVJ. Good luck team "

      Rosie Roberts
      13/04/2024 at 11:09am
      13/04/2024 at 10:42am
      Chelsea Skinner
      13/04/2024 at 9:42am
      Chloe Walker
      12/04/2024 at 7:04pm
      Marianne Dutkiewicz
      12/04/2024 at 5:21pm
      Ros Connelly
      12/04/2024 at 11:19am

      Followers of The EttieKits® Single Test Quest!

      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 15/04/2024 at 3:00 PM.
      A Post-Card From Ettie
      A Single STI Kit [choose Your Flavour]
      Buy One + Give One, Single Test
      #F*ckResponsibly Tote
      Professional Feminist Tote
      #F*ckResponsibly Cap
      The Lucky Dip!
      Professional Feminist T-Shirt
      #F*ckResponsibly T-Shirt
      Parent Pack - Send A Pack To Your Kids
      Artwork Poster [Ettie]
      "Hot-Storical Statues Tour"
      Project Gender Speaking Event