Venture Up 2016 -

By Venture Up



NZ $3,491 pledged

40 people pledged


NZ $25,000 minimum target

13 13% Complete

This campaign failed to reach its target by 28/01/2016 at 5:00 PM (NZDT) and is now closed.

Make a Pledge


Venture Up 2016 -

Project 2015-12-06 11:53:55 +1300

Venture Up 2016 is comprised of the top 40 young entrepreneurs in New Zealand, aged 16-21. 

They are coming together in Wellington for six-weeks in January and February to take part in an entrepreneurship accelerator run by Creative HQ

Venture Up 2016 is a full-immersion startup experience including enterprise education, real world connections with business and innovation communities, and personal capability, and skillset building. It is designed to supercharge the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.  

The programme is a non-profit initiative funded and run by Creative HQ, with support from Ministry of Youth and Callaghan Innovation.  To pay for accommodation and board in Wellington for six weeks we need to raise funding to match our main sponsor Wellington City Council.

We are fundraising here to keep Venture Up affordable for all comers, regardless of background or access to resource. Participants give up six-weeks of earning potential to attend so we try to keep the actual direct costs of attending as low as possible. 

Your contribution will help pay for these outstanding youth entrepreneurs to stay in student accommodation in Wellington from Jan 10 - Feb 20, 2016, while they work up their startup ideas, and build ventures together. 

Venture Up 2016 is :   

Aidan Scott, Auckland

Alana Kirby, Wellington

Cameron Fuller, Nelson

Cameron O'Donnell, Invercargill

Charlotte King, Auckland

Danielle Watt, Auckland

Derek Lieu, Auckland

Dylan Rogan, Auckland

Eleanor Jiang, Invercargill

Elisha Fleming, Nelson

Emily Christensen, Dunedin

Emma Forbes, Auckland

Felix Page, Wellington

Francisco Shim, Auckland

Hayden Washington-Smith, Palmerston North

Hunter Waihape Auckland

Jacksen Love, Wellington

Jacob Van Winden, Auckland

Jakobb Mills, Auckland

Jimmy Philip, Christchurch

John Rassie, Christchurch

Jordan Palmer, Taupo

Joy Wood, Auckland

Kasey Huntingdon, Whakatane

Keith Toma, Auckland

Kim Essenberg, Christchurch

Liberty Thein-Pie, Dunedin

Logan Johnson, Dunedin

Loren Tomlinson, Wellington

Michael Sherlock, Auckland

Nicholas Bing, Auckland

Nick Hyland, Wellington

Omer Hazer, Cambridge

Pravesh Narayan, Auckland

Rachel Yuen, Auckland

Rebecca Gidall, Nelson

Sam Yelchich, Auckland

Sophie Shrimpton, Mt Maunganui

Tiger Chen, Auckland

Toby Hendy, Christchurch 



Updates 4

Venture Up Goes On!

29/01/2016 at 6:35 AM

Hi Massive Supporters! 

The campign is over and we missed our mark by a fair wedge! But we were looking for a fair wedge to start with! 

We went for some personal approaches in the final days of the campaign, to make up the chunky end of the campaign. People love Venture Up and give a lot, but we couldn't reach the $25,000 mark.  

We are stoked to have had such messages of support from you all and the pledges of support, large and small. We have banked those in our hearts, and thank you dearly for the push, the cash and the general Awesome Karma you sent to Venture Up. 

We won't be taking your cash however (it's all or nothing with these things) and unfortunately we won't be fulfilling the rewards. We will still accept Awesome Karma, so keep sending that! 

Funding programmes like Venture Up is the largest challenge we have in running them and we are lucky to have the support of Ministry of Youth, Wellington City Council and Victoria University alongside everything the Young Enterprise Trust, our mentor and speaker community and people like you put into the programme. 

For that we are extremely grateful. 

Please keep up to date with our blog here >

We have just celebrated the halfway mark in the Venture Up 2016 programme and the eight teams gave some great presentations to our community of sponsors last night. Tune in for the grand final showcase on Feb 16 - let us know if you want to come along, it's limited seating but we have seats for the people we love. 

And that's you. Thank you very much. For everything. 

Always Venture Up. 

Nick, Liv, Lingy and the Venture Up Crew.

10 days! PLEDGE it up!

19/01/2016 at 11:39 AM

Dear Backers...

It's getting down to the wire and we need to PLEDGE IT UP 

To help with that we have brainstormed some great new rewards! See here...

  • Venture Up pushups 
  • Dunk-A-Founder 
  • Venture Up cake for morning tea! 
  • Or for something more serious - try a Lean Startup Workshop for those aspiring entrepreneurs, students and busiensses looking to improve the way they innovate and execute in 2016. But one for a school, business, startup you love!  

It's humbling to have your support, please back us into the home stretch. Let's do this!

Yours,Nick, Liv, Lingy and the Venture Up'rs. 






It's Live - almost!

08/01/2016 at 8:46 PM

Happy New Year! 

Venture Up 2016 begins January 11. Forty of the best young minds from around NZ are on their way to Wellington over the next two days, and will spend six weeks forging a future in creating smart growth businesses and commercialising ideas. 

Thanks to those awesome pledgers who brough the festive cheers to support us! Ho Ho Ho to you! 

We are still a way off our target for supporting these amazing individuals to realise their potential and would love you to share the Venture Up campaign as widely as you can. 

2016 is going to be an amazing year - for 40 young up and comers especially - and we will keep you appraised with updates of how Venture Up is launching into it as we go! 

Please share and challlenge your friends, whanau and other fabulous folk to support this group of incredible young people.


Nick, Oliviah and Lingy and all the Venture Up'rs. 

P.S. Travel safe you lot! See you on Sunday!



You need to pledge to see this update.

    Pledgers 40

    Anonymous pledger
    27/01/2016 at 11:55am
    Matthias Andermatt
    26/01/2016 at 1:40pm

    "Go Elisha Go!"

    Anonymous pledger
    21/01/2016 at 9:25pm
    Anonymous pledger
    20/01/2016 at 11:57pm

    "Well done on getting selected:)"

    19/01/2016 at 7:40pm
    Scott ODonnell
    19/01/2016 at 5:35pm
    Jane Watt
    18/01/2016 at 6:37pm

    "What an awesome group. Go hard in Wellington and have fun creating for future New Zealanders."

    Ben Seelen
    18/01/2016 at 5:57pm

    "Excited to see how the teams are coming along! Go Venture Up!"

    Janice Hendy
    13/01/2016 at 6:10pm
    Cameron Mehlhopt
    12/01/2016 at 9:47am

    "A fantastic initiative and opportunity - I'm glad StarNow can help support it."

    Young Enterprise Trust
    11/01/2016 at 1:55pm

    "What a great opportunity for our entrepreneurial YES Alumni. Definitely a cause worth supporting."

    Anonymous pledger
    07/01/2016 at 9:00pm

    "From The Bidvest Chefs Project"

    L Johnstone
    07/01/2016 at 3:06pm

    "Congrats to Sam Yelchich and all the group for being selected this year."

    30/12/2015 at 2:59pm

    "Amazing and very exciting opportunities you provide :-)"

    Lisa Cooper
    30/12/2015 at 7:36am

    "I wish there were things like this around we I was younger. Cant wait to see what amazing things they all come up with. Watch out NZ"

    28/12/2015 at 11:05pm
    Hank Yuen
    26/12/2015 at 3:14pm

    "Good luck to all 2016 participants."

    Judy Kwan
    18/12/2015 at 7:43am

    "Stepping up to Venture Up"

    Mark Major
    17/12/2015 at 7:43pm

    "Great programme supporting entrepreneurship in NZ"

    robyn frey
    17/12/2015 at 4:28pm

    "Support this programme - it rocks!"

    Katy McLean
    17/12/2015 at 3:19pm
    Anonymous pledger
    17/12/2015 at 2:53pm
    Jaime Jaims Hayden
    17/12/2015 at 10:42am

    "This is such a fantastic opportunity for up and coming entrepreneurs, support our talented youth!"

    Varoon Nair
    16/12/2015 at 9:32pm

    "VentureUp2015 - by far one of the best experiences I've had! Good luck to the Class of 2016. Welcome to the family! "

    Edwin Darlow
    16/12/2015 at 1:49pm
    Chris Benham
    16/12/2015 at 12:52pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/12/2015 at 9:29am
    Stephanie Benseman
    16/12/2015 at 9:04am
    Dibs Patel
    16/12/2015 at 7:58am
    Carissa Waihape
    15/12/2015 at 11:32pm

    Followers 2

    Followers of Venture Up 2016 -

    Venture Up 2016 -

    Project 2015-12-06 11:53:55 +1300

    Venture Up 2016 is comprised of the top 40 young entrepreneurs in New Zealand, aged 16-21. 

    They are coming together in Wellington for six-weeks in January and February to take part in an entrepreneurship accelerator run by Creative HQ

    Venture Up 2016 is a full-immersion startup experience including enterprise education, real world connections with business and innovation communities, and personal capability, and skillset building. It is designed to supercharge the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.  

    The programme is a non-profit initiative funded and run by Creative HQ, with support from Ministry of Youth and Callaghan Innovation.  To pay for accommodation and board in Wellington for six weeks we need to raise funding to match our main sponsor Wellington City Council.

    We are fundraising here to keep Venture Up affordable for all comers, regardless of background or access to resource. Participants give up six-weeks of earning potential to attend so we try to keep the actual direct costs of attending as low as possible. 

    Your contribution will help pay for these outstanding youth entrepreneurs to stay in student accommodation in Wellington from Jan 10 - Feb 20, 2016, while they work up their startup ideas, and build ventures together. 

    Venture Up 2016 is :   

    Aidan Scott, Auckland

    Alana Kirby, Wellington

    Cameron Fuller, Nelson

    Cameron O'Donnell, Invercargill

    Charlotte King, Auckland

    Danielle Watt, Auckland

    Derek Lieu, Auckland

    Dylan Rogan, Auckland

    Eleanor Jiang, Invercargill

    Elisha Fleming, Nelson

    Emily Christensen, Dunedin

    Emma Forbes, Auckland

    Felix Page, Wellington

    Francisco Shim, Auckland

    Hayden Washington-Smith, Palmerston North

    Hunter Waihape Auckland

    Jacksen Love, Wellington

    Jacob Van Winden, Auckland

    Jakobb Mills, Auckland

    Jimmy Philip, Christchurch

    John Rassie, Christchurch

    Jordan Palmer, Taupo

    Joy Wood, Auckland

    Kasey Huntingdon, Whakatane

    Keith Toma, Auckland

    Kim Essenberg, Christchurch

    Liberty Thein-Pie, Dunedin

    Logan Johnson, Dunedin

    Loren Tomlinson, Wellington

    Michael Sherlock, Auckland

    Nicholas Bing, Auckland

    Nick Hyland, Wellington

    Omer Hazer, Cambridge

    Pravesh Narayan, Auckland

    Rachel Yuen, Auckland

    Rebecca Gidall, Nelson

    Sam Yelchich, Auckland

    Sophie Shrimpton, Mt Maunganui

    Tiger Chen, Auckland

    Toby Hendy, Christchurch 



    Venture Up Goes On!

    29/01/2016 at 6:35 AM

    Hi Massive Supporters! 

    The campign is over and we missed our mark by a fair wedge! But we were looking for a fair wedge to start with! 

    We went for some personal approaches in the final days of the campaign, to make up the chunky end of the campaign. People love Venture Up and give a lot, but we couldn't reach the $25,000 mark.  

    We are stoked to have had such messages of support from you all and the pledges of support, large and small. We have banked those in our hearts, and thank you dearly for the push, the cash and the general Awesome Karma you sent to Venture Up. 

    We won't be taking your cash however (it's all or nothing with these things) and unfortunately we won't be fulfilling the rewards. We will still accept Awesome Karma, so keep sending that! 

    Funding programmes like Venture Up is the largest challenge we have in running them and we are lucky to have the support of Ministry of Youth, Wellington City Council and Victoria University alongside everything the Young Enterprise Trust, our mentor and speaker community and people like you put into the programme. 

    For that we are extremely grateful. 

    Please keep up to date with our blog here >

    We have just celebrated the halfway mark in the Venture Up 2016 programme and the eight teams gave some great presentations to our community of sponsors last night. Tune in for the grand final showcase on Feb 16 - let us know if you want to come along, it's limited seating but we have seats for the people we love. 

    And that's you. Thank you very much. For everything. 

    Always Venture Up. 

    Nick, Liv, Lingy and the Venture Up Crew.

    10 days! PLEDGE it up!

    19/01/2016 at 11:39 AM

    Dear Backers...

    It's getting down to the wire and we need to PLEDGE IT UP 

    To help with that we have brainstormed some great new rewards! See here...

    • Venture Up pushups 
    • Dunk-A-Founder 
    • Venture Up cake for morning tea! 
    • Or for something more serious - try a Lean Startup Workshop for those aspiring entrepreneurs, students and busiensses looking to improve the way they innovate and execute in 2016. But one for a school, business, startup you love!  

    It's humbling to have your support, please back us into the home stretch. Let's do this!

    Yours,Nick, Liv, Lingy and the Venture Up'rs. 






    It's Live - almost!

    08/01/2016 at 8:46 PM

    Happy New Year! 

    Venture Up 2016 begins January 11. Forty of the best young minds from around NZ are on their way to Wellington over the next two days, and will spend six weeks forging a future in creating smart growth businesses and commercialising ideas. 

    Thanks to those awesome pledgers who brough the festive cheers to support us! Ho Ho Ho to you! 

    We are still a way off our target for supporting these amazing individuals to realise their potential and would love you to share the Venture Up campaign as widely as you can. 

    2016 is going to be an amazing year - for 40 young up and comers especially - and we will keep you appraised with updates of how Venture Up is launching into it as we go! 

    Please share and challlenge your friends, whanau and other fabulous folk to support this group of incredible young people.


    Nick, Oliviah and Lingy and all the Venture Up'rs. 

    P.S. Travel safe you lot! See you on Sunday!



    You need to pledge to see this update.

      Anonymous pledger
      27/01/2016 at 11:55am
      Matthias Andermatt
      26/01/2016 at 1:40pm

      "Go Elisha Go!"

      Anonymous pledger
      21/01/2016 at 9:25pm
      Anonymous pledger
      20/01/2016 at 11:57pm

      "Well done on getting selected:)"

      19/01/2016 at 7:40pm
      Scott ODonnell
      19/01/2016 at 5:35pm
      Jane Watt
      18/01/2016 at 6:37pm

      "What an awesome group. Go hard in Wellington and have fun creating for future New Zealanders."

      Ben Seelen
      18/01/2016 at 5:57pm

      "Excited to see how the teams are coming along! Go Venture Up!"

      Janice Hendy
      13/01/2016 at 6:10pm
      Cameron Mehlhopt
      12/01/2016 at 9:47am

      "A fantastic initiative and opportunity - I'm glad StarNow can help support it."

      Young Enterprise Trust
      11/01/2016 at 1:55pm

      "What a great opportunity for our entrepreneurial YES Alumni. Definitely a cause worth supporting."

      Anonymous pledger
      07/01/2016 at 9:00pm

      "From The Bidvest Chefs Project"

      L Johnstone
      07/01/2016 at 3:06pm

      "Congrats to Sam Yelchich and all the group for being selected this year."

      30/12/2015 at 2:59pm

      "Amazing and very exciting opportunities you provide :-)"

      Lisa Cooper
      30/12/2015 at 7:36am

      "I wish there were things like this around we I was younger. Cant wait to see what amazing things they all come up with. Watch out NZ"

      28/12/2015 at 11:05pm
      Hank Yuen
      26/12/2015 at 3:14pm

      "Good luck to all 2016 participants."

      Judy Kwan
      18/12/2015 at 7:43am

      "Stepping up to Venture Up"

      Mark Major
      17/12/2015 at 7:43pm

      "Great programme supporting entrepreneurship in NZ"

      robyn frey
      17/12/2015 at 4:28pm

      "Support this programme - it rocks!"

      Katy McLean
      17/12/2015 at 3:19pm
      Anonymous pledger
      17/12/2015 at 2:53pm
      Jaime Jaims Hayden
      17/12/2015 at 10:42am

      "This is such a fantastic opportunity for up and coming entrepreneurs, support our talented youth!"

      Varoon Nair
      16/12/2015 at 9:32pm

      "VentureUp2015 - by far one of the best experiences I've had! Good luck to the Class of 2016. Welcome to the family! "

      Edwin Darlow
      16/12/2015 at 1:49pm
      Chris Benham
      16/12/2015 at 12:52pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/12/2015 at 9:29am
      Stephanie Benseman
      16/12/2015 at 9:04am
      Dibs Patel
      16/12/2015 at 7:58am
      Carissa Waihape
      15/12/2015 at 11:32pm

      Followers of Venture Up 2016 -

      This campaign was unsuccessful and finished on 28/01/2016 at 5:00 PM.