Eat My Lunch | BUY ONE.GIVE ONE.

By Eat My Lunch



NZ $129,848 pledged

2507 people pledged


NZ $120,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 15/09/2015 at 8:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


Eat My Lunch | BUY ONE.GIVE ONE.

Project 2015-08-05 15:29:12 +1200

Our story

Late October last year, over a couple of wines on Waiheke Island, Lisa and Iaan were reflecting on their marketing careers, realising that they had been selling fat, salt and sugar to the NZ public for 30 years between them. With four young children, they found it ironic that the very products they had marketed so successfully were not allowed in their own home.

As parents they couldn’t fathom that the country they were so proud to grow up in had children going to school hungry. The growing divide between the have’s and have-not’s should not be happening in a place like New Zealand. They decided that night to put their corporate experience to good use and start doing something that really mattered. 

Even though Lisa was a passionate home cook, they realised they needed some serious food expertise to get Eat My Lunch off the ground. Enter top NZ chef Michael Meredith who Lisa has known for years. Michael is deeply passionate about poverty in NZ (having experienced it himself growing up in Samoa). There was an instant shared passion and Michael has been there everyday at 6am making lunches with the team ever since.


What matters to us

Childhood poverty has divided the nation and scrutiny on the negative health impact of cheap, packaged foods are rife in the media.

  •        1 in 4 Kiwi kids (260,000) live in poverty. Many don’t have access to basic nutrition which impacts on their ability to learn.
  •        67% of NZ adults and 33% of children are obese or over-weight, with NZ ranking as the third-fattest country in the OECD.
  •        The correlation between poverty, poor nutrition and obesity is clear - adults & children living in the most deprived areas are four times as likely to be obese as those living in the least deprived areas.
  •        There are 250,000 diabetics in NZ and a further 750,000 Kiwis are ‘pre-diabetic’.
  •        By 2016, obesity will overtake tobacco as the leading health risk in NZ.

Clearly, establishing healthy eating habits has far reaching ramifications across a broad range of social issues.


Our solution

EML is an innovative start up with ‘doing good’ at its heart. We believe that clever business solutions can solve the big social issues of tomorrow. Our dream is lofty. To alleviate poverty in NZ, starting with kid’s lunches:

For every lunch you Buy, we Give a lunch to a Kiwi kid in need.


An online subscription lunch service, just $10 pays for two lunches; one for you (delivered to work) and one for a Kiwi kid in need. Nutritious, fresh food with a focus on less sugar, more veggies and nothing in a packet.

Eat My Lunch gives Kiwis the choice to make a difference in our own backyard, everyday, through something as simple as eating lunch.


What we’ve done so far

Since we started 10 weeks ago, the outpour of support from across the country has been staggering:

  • The team has made over 34,000 lunches in just 10 weeks.
  • 17,000 have been Given to Kiwi kids in need in 12 schools. By the end of week 11, this will be 21,000 lunches Given to kids in 16 schools! and we've received amazing feedback, such as the letter below from a teacher in Otara. 


  • Thousands of Kiwis have joined Eat My Lunch and are Buying lunch on a regular basis.
  • We have 40+ volunteers who come to our home every week to help us make all these lunches (including Nici Wickes, Julie Le Clerc and Jacqueline Nairn).
  • Of course, we can’t forget Lorde who helped us by being our first ‘Give Two’ customer and buying lunches for Te Papapa School for a whole week! Her instagram post went to over 10million people and also got people from places such as New York, London, California and Australia 'Giving Two'. 


What next?

Currently we are making all these lunches from our family home and have about 20 people in our house everyday! The house is bursting, so we need to move into a bigger space to accommodate the production crew and do things like roast 60 chickens and cut 500kg of carrots!

With your help to raise $180,000, we will be able to fit out a commercial space with the right equipment (ovens, hoods, benches, chillers and freezers), pay for some rent and also get more staff. This means we will be able to make Eat My Lunch available to more Kiwis so that everyone can participate in BUY ONE. GIVE ONE. 


And then?

If we can reach our stretch target of $200,000+, we will be able to fund a cooking school for under-privileged kids to educate them about cooking and nutrition. This is a huge passion of Michael’s as it was through a cooking course for Island kids that he found his talent for cooking.


How can you help?

You can help take Eat My Lunch to the next level and make a difference right here in our own backyard!

So please pledge to our campaign (we have some amazing rewards like our limited edition Eat My Lunch t-shirt & aprons) and share with your friends.


Every little bit can make a difference!




Updates 19

Crowdlending campaign is live!

24/06/2016 at 8:53 AM

Just over a week ago we launched the first crowdlending campaign in New Zealand, with our Lunch Bonds.

Since then, we’ve had $140,000 pledged to our lending campaign, and a groundswell of support (both by pledgers and in the media).


But, in order to fund our growth plans, and make the biggest impact we can, we need your help. Can you:

  • Check out our campaign page here.

  • Share what we’re doing with your networks - either directly, online, or in person: or the link to our video.

  • Come along to our:

    • Wellington Meet and Greet, we want to meet you! It’s this Monday, 27 June, 5-7pm at the Southern Cross. RSVP here.

    • Auckland Breakfast, see our space in action! We’ll be hosting a group of interested investors next Friday 1 July from 8-9am, RSVP here.

Thank you so much for being one of our early supporters. We really wouldn’t be here, and have fed over 195,000 kids in the past year, without your support.



Lisa, Michael, Iaan, Derek and the Eat My Lunch team

What your support helped us achieve

26/05/2016 at 1:23 PM


It’s coming up on our first birthday, and we’ve done so much in the last year thanks to your pledges.

Now we have some more exciting news for you: our crowd of pledgers that helped get us where we are today. We’re launching the first ever PledgeMe.Lend campaign in June! We’re aiming to raise some more money, with pledgers lending us money and being repaid over time (with interest).

Our journey over the last year has been incredible and it’s all been down to your support. Your pledges have enabled us to:

The money raised during our upcoming PledgeMe.Lend campaign will help us expand into new cities so we can help feed more kids, improve our technical infrastructure, and deliver new exciting products to our customers. All with the aim of helping us get to our mission of ensuring no kids go to school hungry.

You helped us get to where we are today. We would love for you to be a part of the next stage in our journey too. If you’re keen to be a part of our journey by lending to us and earning a return, sign up to our interested lender list.


16/09/2015 at 9:56 AM

Thank you so much to everyone who pledged to help us not only reach our goal, but exceed it! We are so grateful & humbled by your support & generosity. 

Thank you also to our amazing supporters who provided the great rewards that some of you have pledged on. We couldn't have done it without them! 

We will be in touch in the coming weeks to let you know how to get your reward. 

Thank you again & we can't wait to start the next part of our exciting journey to help even more Kiwi kids in need. 

Michael, Lisa, Iaan & the Eat My Lunch Team

We couldn't have done it without you + stretch goal

15/09/2015 at 11:00 AM

Thank you so much to every single one of you for supporting us to help more kiwi kids in need. We've hit our goal of $120k, and now folk are asking what we'll do if we surpass it.


If we can get another $25-30k we will be able to fund a cooking school for under-privileged kids to educate them about cooking and nutrition. This is a huge passion of Michael’s as it was through a cooking course for Island kids that he discovered his talent for cooking, after dropping out of school at the age of 15. 


Thanks again, you amazing humans, 


- Michael, Lisa, and the Eat My Lunch team

48 hours to go!

13/09/2015 at 8:04 PM


We’ve moved from days to hours that we’re counting down now. We’ve got 48 hours to hit our goal, and we’re 76% of the way there.


Over the past few days we’ve had so many of you pledge your support, thank you.


In order to get to our goal, we need to grow our supporter base even further. Can you help?

  • Please share our campaign tomorrow (or, right now!) with a note about why you’re supporting us.

  • Talk about us with your friends (and work colleagues)

  • Watch us tomorrow morning on Breakfast


Thank you thank you thank you,


- Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team

Our Amazing Crowd!

11/09/2015 at 1:38 PM

Wow, we are officially the most crowded campaign PledgeMe has ever had, with more than 1,340 pledgers. Thank you so much to you all for pledging and supporting our vision.


1340 pledges - EML.png


Not only have we had the support of amazing people, but we’ve had the support of businesses coming in and offering us some of the things that we’d been planning to purchase with the funds raised. This means we’ve lowered our minimum goal to $120,000. We still need to get to this goal for the funds to be processed though, so please help us by:


  • sharing our campaign with three of your friends (through whatever channel you have!) and asking them to support:

  • putting these posters up in your office, and tell your team that we need to meet our goal by 8pm on Tuesday:

  • sending us all the *you’ll get funded* vibes you have.


Thanks again for all of your support, love, sharing, volunteering and pledging. It really does mean the world to us.


Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team


Just a few of our wonderful volunteers and supporters we've had over our campaign...



1000 Pledges!!!

08/09/2015 at 6:29 PM

You guys are amazing! Thank you for the 1,000 people who have supported us! We still have some way to go, so if you have already pledged, please share with as many people as possible. We have 1 week left but know that anything is possible!!! 

Thank you,

Lisa, Michael & Eat My Lunch team :)

New Rewards from Icebreaker

08/09/2015 at 12:35 PM

The very generous team at Icebreaker have provided these awesome rewards - be sure to pledge today as there is only 1 of each! 

10 days to go!

05/09/2015 at 8:10 PM

We had a pretty big Friday night on the campaign trail ticking over $50,000 pledged from amazing people like yourselves - this included three bigger ticket items: A Sunday Lunch with Michael Meredith ($500), Dinner at Meredith's with Shortland St Stars ($1500) and a Design Your Own Lunch with Michael ($2000).


This big night also put us over $50,000 pledged on the campaign - which is massive!


eatmylunch 10days.png


Again, thank you all so much for your help so far! We’re now at ten days to go and are seeing some momentum push us towards our audacious goal.


We had a big week in the office, with media left, right and centre on top of making over 1,400 lunches daily out of our home kitchen. We need to meet our goal of $180k to move into a commercial kitchen and be able to do more good.


How can you help?


  • Feel free to poster our link everywhere you  and use our hashtag #pledgemylunch

  • Mention our campaign if you’re in a conversation about Eat My Lunch. You can help be the deal makers!


Thanks team - we couldn’t do this without you.

- Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team

We need your help.

04/09/2015 at 2:11 PM

We’re amazed at your support so far. We’ve had over 800 kiwis support our vision by pledging (including, you!), and are 25% of the way there. But there’s still a way to go.




In order to move to a larger premise, feed more kids, and do more good, we need to hit our goal of $180,000. Since this is an all-or-nothing campaign, you will only get charged and we’ll only get the funds if we meet that goal…. So we still have a way to go. 




You are now part of the Eat My Lunch team. But now we need your help to grow the team futher over the next two weeks to make this happen.


How can you help?


  • Share this image and link ( on all of your social media networks and say why you’ve decided to #pledgemylunch

  • Forward this email to 5 friends that want to help kiwi kids and ask them to pledge.
  • Make this your header on Facebook (and tag us in it:

  • And, poster our link everywhere you can:


Thanks again, team. We couldn’t do this without you. 


- Lisa, Michael & the whole Eat My Lunch team

$40,000 pledged!!

01/09/2015 at 8:27 PM

Thank you so much to everyone who has pledged and helped us reach $40,000!! We so appreciate your generosity! 

We still have some way to go to reach our target, so please share with everyone you know. 

Thank you all for your support! :)

Eat My Lunch Cookies made by Moustache

01/09/2015 at 2:59 PM

Thank you so much to Deanna at Moustache who is making these amazing giant Eat My Lunch cookies for us for our campaign. YUM!!! 


Yummy New Rewards

31/08/2015 at 6:14 PM

Check out these Gingerbread Men (they've been a huge hit in our lunches) and also these wonderful Sabato Gift packs - pledge now to help us get to our target. We only have 15 days left!!! 


Watch Story, TV3 tonight at 7pm

31/08/2015 at 4:42 PM

Watch Story tonight at 7pm as Duncan Garner makes his own lunch with Michael and talks about Eat My Lunch! 


Check out this article in the NZ Herald today!

29/08/2015 at 11:10 AM

Over 500 Pledgers!

28/08/2015 at 4:05 PM

Wow - we have now had over 500 Pledgers! Thank you so much to everyone for your support! Please share with your friends and get them on board - every little bit counts! :)

Letter from a teacher in Otara

23/08/2015 at 3:20 PM

We just received this letter - we want to be able to make this happen for more Kiwi kids, so please make sure you pledge & share with everyone! #PledgeMyLunch

Check out our new rewards!

20/08/2015 at 3:01 PM

We have added some exciting new rewards for you to pledge on our campaign! The great guys at Periscope design came up with this cool T-shirt for Eat My Lunch which can be delivered anywhere in NZ. 


We also have these awesome hampers from Molly Woppy for those who love our Gingerbread Men! 

The cool team at Mini Cooper have also provided another Mini to drive for a week as the first one went so quickly! Thank you :) 

You need to pledge to see this update.

    Pledgers 2507

    Esther Clare Fredatovich
    02/09/2015 at 8:39am

    "All the best guys! You do awesome work x"

    02/09/2015 at 8:36am
    Emma Porteous
    02/09/2015 at 8:26am
    Debbie Brouwers
    02/09/2015 at 8:04am

    "Great work - I love it, I hope you manage to get how much you need to help out the kiwi kids less fortunate than us! "

    Phillip Kite
    02/09/2015 at 7:58am
    Lucienne Aissa
    02/09/2015 at 7:15am
    Gayle Martin
    02/09/2015 at 6:37am

    "Good work guys, hopefully you reach target."

    Anonymous pledger
    02/09/2015 at 6:29am
    Caroline Crosby
    02/09/2015 at 5:49am
    Kim Chapman
    02/09/2015 at 5:30am
    Douglas Osborne
    02/09/2015 at 5:18am

    "Good work!"

    Jan McIntyre
    02/09/2015 at 2:39am
    Aryelle Fidow-Kele
    02/09/2015 at 12:38am
    Carla Frische
    01/09/2015 at 11:52pm
    Anonymous pledger
    01/09/2015 at 11:19pm
    Anonymous pledger
    01/09/2015 at 11:16pm
    01/09/2015 at 11:13pm
    Jenna Tuuta
    01/09/2015 at 11:02pm

    "All the best guys!"

    Anonymous pledger
    01/09/2015 at 10:58pm
    Tracey Tawhiao
    01/09/2015 at 10:56pm

    "A lot of people giving a little is wealth. Beautiful Kaupapa. XXTT"

    Ellen Ip
    01/09/2015 at 10:54pm
    Paige Moki
    01/09/2015 at 10:38pm
    Jenny Y
    01/09/2015 at 10:35pm
    Maddie Long
    01/09/2015 at 10:33pm
    Jenny Y
    01/09/2015 at 10:31pm
    Ashlee Boyd
    01/09/2015 at 10:19pm
    Rachel Lobb
    01/09/2015 at 10:16pm
    Rebecca Jacobs
    01/09/2015 at 10:16pm

    "Such an awesome initiative. I hope anyone who can will get behind it"

    01/09/2015 at 10:09pm
    Kathryn Hickling
    01/09/2015 at 10:08pm

    Followers 34

    Followers of Eat My Lunch | BUY ONE.GIVE ONE.

    Eat My Lunch | BUY ONE.GIVE ONE.

    Project 2015-08-05 15:29:12 +1200

    Our story

    Late October last year, over a couple of wines on Waiheke Island, Lisa and Iaan were reflecting on their marketing careers, realising that they had been selling fat, salt and sugar to the NZ public for 30 years between them. With four young children, they found it ironic that the very products they had marketed so successfully were not allowed in their own home.

    As parents they couldn’t fathom that the country they were so proud to grow up in had children going to school hungry. The growing divide between the have’s and have-not’s should not be happening in a place like New Zealand. They decided that night to put their corporate experience to good use and start doing something that really mattered. 

    Even though Lisa was a passionate home cook, they realised they needed some serious food expertise to get Eat My Lunch off the ground. Enter top NZ chef Michael Meredith who Lisa has known for years. Michael is deeply passionate about poverty in NZ (having experienced it himself growing up in Samoa). There was an instant shared passion and Michael has been there everyday at 6am making lunches with the team ever since.


    What matters to us

    Childhood poverty has divided the nation and scrutiny on the negative health impact of cheap, packaged foods are rife in the media.

    •        1 in 4 Kiwi kids (260,000) live in poverty. Many don’t have access to basic nutrition which impacts on their ability to learn.
    •        67% of NZ adults and 33% of children are obese or over-weight, with NZ ranking as the third-fattest country in the OECD.
    •        The correlation between poverty, poor nutrition and obesity is clear - adults & children living in the most deprived areas are four times as likely to be obese as those living in the least deprived areas.
    •        There are 250,000 diabetics in NZ and a further 750,000 Kiwis are ‘pre-diabetic’.
    •        By 2016, obesity will overtake tobacco as the leading health risk in NZ.

    Clearly, establishing healthy eating habits has far reaching ramifications across a broad range of social issues.


    Our solution

    EML is an innovative start up with ‘doing good’ at its heart. We believe that clever business solutions can solve the big social issues of tomorrow. Our dream is lofty. To alleviate poverty in NZ, starting with kid’s lunches:

    For every lunch you Buy, we Give a lunch to a Kiwi kid in need.


    An online subscription lunch service, just $10 pays for two lunches; one for you (delivered to work) and one for a Kiwi kid in need. Nutritious, fresh food with a focus on less sugar, more veggies and nothing in a packet.

    Eat My Lunch gives Kiwis the choice to make a difference in our own backyard, everyday, through something as simple as eating lunch.


    What we’ve done so far

    Since we started 10 weeks ago, the outpour of support from across the country has been staggering:

    • The team has made over 34,000 lunches in just 10 weeks.
    • 17,000 have been Given to Kiwi kids in need in 12 schools. By the end of week 11, this will be 21,000 lunches Given to kids in 16 schools! and we've received amazing feedback, such as the letter below from a teacher in Otara. 


    • Thousands of Kiwis have joined Eat My Lunch and are Buying lunch on a regular basis.
    • We have 40+ volunteers who come to our home every week to help us make all these lunches (including Nici Wickes, Julie Le Clerc and Jacqueline Nairn).
    • Of course, we can’t forget Lorde who helped us by being our first ‘Give Two’ customer and buying lunches for Te Papapa School for a whole week! Her instagram post went to over 10million people and also got people from places such as New York, London, California and Australia 'Giving Two'. 


    What next?

    Currently we are making all these lunches from our family home and have about 20 people in our house everyday! The house is bursting, so we need to move into a bigger space to accommodate the production crew and do things like roast 60 chickens and cut 500kg of carrots!

    With your help to raise $180,000, we will be able to fit out a commercial space with the right equipment (ovens, hoods, benches, chillers and freezers), pay for some rent and also get more staff. This means we will be able to make Eat My Lunch available to more Kiwis so that everyone can participate in BUY ONE. GIVE ONE. 


    And then?

    If we can reach our stretch target of $200,000+, we will be able to fund a cooking school for under-privileged kids to educate them about cooking and nutrition. This is a huge passion of Michael’s as it was through a cooking course for Island kids that he found his talent for cooking.


    How can you help?

    You can help take Eat My Lunch to the next level and make a difference right here in our own backyard!

    So please pledge to our campaign (we have some amazing rewards like our limited edition Eat My Lunch t-shirt & aprons) and share with your friends.


    Every little bit can make a difference!




    Crowdlending campaign is live!

    24/06/2016 at 8:53 AM

    Just over a week ago we launched the first crowdlending campaign in New Zealand, with our Lunch Bonds.

    Since then, we’ve had $140,000 pledged to our lending campaign, and a groundswell of support (both by pledgers and in the media).


    But, in order to fund our growth plans, and make the biggest impact we can, we need your help. Can you:

    • Check out our campaign page here.

    • Share what we’re doing with your networks - either directly, online, or in person: or the link to our video.

    • Come along to our:

      • Wellington Meet and Greet, we want to meet you! It’s this Monday, 27 June, 5-7pm at the Southern Cross. RSVP here.

      • Auckland Breakfast, see our space in action! We’ll be hosting a group of interested investors next Friday 1 July from 8-9am, RSVP here.

    Thank you so much for being one of our early supporters. We really wouldn’t be here, and have fed over 195,000 kids in the past year, without your support.



    Lisa, Michael, Iaan, Derek and the Eat My Lunch team

    What your support helped us achieve

    26/05/2016 at 1:23 PM


    It’s coming up on our first birthday, and we’ve done so much in the last year thanks to your pledges.

    Now we have some more exciting news for you: our crowd of pledgers that helped get us where we are today. We’re launching the first ever PledgeMe.Lend campaign in June! We’re aiming to raise some more money, with pledgers lending us money and being repaid over time (with interest).

    Our journey over the last year has been incredible and it’s all been down to your support. Your pledges have enabled us to:

    The money raised during our upcoming PledgeMe.Lend campaign will help us expand into new cities so we can help feed more kids, improve our technical infrastructure, and deliver new exciting products to our customers. All with the aim of helping us get to our mission of ensuring no kids go to school hungry.

    You helped us get to where we are today. We would love for you to be a part of the next stage in our journey too. If you’re keen to be a part of our journey by lending to us and earning a return, sign up to our interested lender list.

    THANK YOU!!!

    16/09/2015 at 9:56 AM

    Thank you so much to everyone who pledged to help us not only reach our goal, but exceed it! We are so grateful & humbled by your support & generosity. 

    Thank you also to our amazing supporters who provided the great rewards that some of you have pledged on. We couldn't have done it without them! 

    We will be in touch in the coming weeks to let you know how to get your reward. 

    Thank you again & we can't wait to start the next part of our exciting journey to help even more Kiwi kids in need. 

    Michael, Lisa, Iaan & the Eat My Lunch Team

    We couldn't have done it without you + stretch goal

    15/09/2015 at 11:00 AM

    Thank you so much to every single one of you for supporting us to help more kiwi kids in need. We've hit our goal of $120k, and now folk are asking what we'll do if we surpass it.


    If we can get another $25-30k we will be able to fund a cooking school for under-privileged kids to educate them about cooking and nutrition. This is a huge passion of Michael’s as it was through a cooking course for Island kids that he discovered his talent for cooking, after dropping out of school at the age of 15. 


    Thanks again, you amazing humans, 


    - Michael, Lisa, and the Eat My Lunch team

    48 hours to go!

    13/09/2015 at 8:04 PM


    We’ve moved from days to hours that we’re counting down now. We’ve got 48 hours to hit our goal, and we’re 76% of the way there.


    Over the past few days we’ve had so many of you pledge your support, thank you.


    In order to get to our goal, we need to grow our supporter base even further. Can you help?

    • Please share our campaign tomorrow (or, right now!) with a note about why you’re supporting us.

    • Talk about us with your friends (and work colleagues)

    • Watch us tomorrow morning on Breakfast


    Thank you thank you thank you,


    - Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team

    Our Amazing Crowd!

    11/09/2015 at 1:38 PM

    Wow, we are officially the most crowded campaign PledgeMe has ever had, with more than 1,340 pledgers. Thank you so much to you all for pledging and supporting our vision.


    1340 pledges - EML.png


    Not only have we had the support of amazing people, but we’ve had the support of businesses coming in and offering us some of the things that we’d been planning to purchase with the funds raised. This means we’ve lowered our minimum goal to $120,000. We still need to get to this goal for the funds to be processed though, so please help us by:


    • sharing our campaign with three of your friends (through whatever channel you have!) and asking them to support:

    • putting these posters up in your office, and tell your team that we need to meet our goal by 8pm on Tuesday:

    • sending us all the *you’ll get funded* vibes you have.


    Thanks again for all of your support, love, sharing, volunteering and pledging. It really does mean the world to us.


    Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team


    Just a few of our wonderful volunteers and supporters we've had over our campaign...



    1000 Pledges!!!

    08/09/2015 at 6:29 PM

    You guys are amazing! Thank you for the 1,000 people who have supported us! We still have some way to go, so if you have already pledged, please share with as many people as possible. We have 1 week left but know that anything is possible!!! 

    Thank you,

    Lisa, Michael & Eat My Lunch team :)

    New Rewards from Icebreaker

    08/09/2015 at 12:35 PM

    The very generous team at Icebreaker have provided these awesome rewards - be sure to pledge today as there is only 1 of each! 

    10 days to go!

    05/09/2015 at 8:10 PM

    We had a pretty big Friday night on the campaign trail ticking over $50,000 pledged from amazing people like yourselves - this included three bigger ticket items: A Sunday Lunch with Michael Meredith ($500), Dinner at Meredith's with Shortland St Stars ($1500) and a Design Your Own Lunch with Michael ($2000).


    This big night also put us over $50,000 pledged on the campaign - which is massive!


    eatmylunch 10days.png


    Again, thank you all so much for your help so far! We’re now at ten days to go and are seeing some momentum push us towards our audacious goal.


    We had a big week in the office, with media left, right and centre on top of making over 1,400 lunches daily out of our home kitchen. We need to meet our goal of $180k to move into a commercial kitchen and be able to do more good.


    How can you help?


    • Feel free to poster our link everywhere you  and use our hashtag #pledgemylunch

    • Mention our campaign if you’re in a conversation about Eat My Lunch. You can help be the deal makers!


    Thanks team - we couldn’t do this without you.

    - Michael, Lisa and the whole Eat My Lunch team

    We need your help.

    04/09/2015 at 2:11 PM

    We’re amazed at your support so far. We’ve had over 800 kiwis support our vision by pledging (including, you!), and are 25% of the way there. But there’s still a way to go.




    In order to move to a larger premise, feed more kids, and do more good, we need to hit our goal of $180,000. Since this is an all-or-nothing campaign, you will only get charged and we’ll only get the funds if we meet that goal…. So we still have a way to go. 




    You are now part of the Eat My Lunch team. But now we need your help to grow the team futher over the next two weeks to make this happen.


    How can you help?


    • Share this image and link ( on all of your social media networks and say why you’ve decided to #pledgemylunch

    • Forward this email to 5 friends that want to help kiwi kids and ask them to pledge.
    • Make this your header on Facebook (and tag us in it:

    • And, poster our link everywhere you can:


    Thanks again, team. We couldn’t do this without you. 


    - Lisa, Michael & the whole Eat My Lunch team

    $40,000 pledged!!

    01/09/2015 at 8:27 PM

    Thank you so much to everyone who has pledged and helped us reach $40,000!! We so appreciate your generosity! 

    We still have some way to go to reach our target, so please share with everyone you know. 

    Thank you all for your support! :)

    Eat My Lunch Cookies made by Moustache

    01/09/2015 at 2:59 PM

    Thank you so much to Deanna at Moustache who is making these amazing giant Eat My Lunch cookies for us for our campaign. YUM!!! 


    Yummy New Rewards

    31/08/2015 at 6:14 PM

    Check out these Gingerbread Men (they've been a huge hit in our lunches) and also these wonderful Sabato Gift packs - pledge now to help us get to our target. We only have 15 days left!!! 


    Watch Story, TV3 tonight at 7pm

    31/08/2015 at 4:42 PM

    Watch Story tonight at 7pm as Duncan Garner makes his own lunch with Michael and talks about Eat My Lunch! 


    Check out this article in the NZ Herald today!

    29/08/2015 at 11:10 AM

    Over 500 Pledgers!

    28/08/2015 at 4:05 PM

    Wow - we have now had over 500 Pledgers! Thank you so much to everyone for your support! Please share with your friends and get them on board - every little bit counts! :)

    Letter from a teacher in Otara

    23/08/2015 at 3:20 PM

    We just received this letter - we want to be able to make this happen for more Kiwi kids, so please make sure you pledge & share with everyone! #PledgeMyLunch

    Check out our new rewards!

    20/08/2015 at 3:01 PM

    We have added some exciting new rewards for you to pledge on our campaign! The great guys at Periscope design came up with this cool T-shirt for Eat My Lunch which can be delivered anywhere in NZ. 


    We also have these awesome hampers from Molly Woppy for those who love our Gingerbread Men! 

    The cool team at Mini Cooper have also provided another Mini to drive for a week as the first one went so quickly! Thank you :) 

    You need to pledge to see this update.

      Esther Clare Fredatovich
      02/09/2015 at 8:39am

      "All the best guys! You do awesome work x"

      02/09/2015 at 8:36am
      Emma Porteous
      02/09/2015 at 8:26am
      Debbie Brouwers
      02/09/2015 at 8:04am

      "Great work - I love it, I hope you manage to get how much you need to help out the kiwi kids less fortunate than us! "

      Phillip Kite
      02/09/2015 at 7:58am
      Lucienne Aissa
      02/09/2015 at 7:15am
      Gayle Martin
      02/09/2015 at 6:37am

      "Good work guys, hopefully you reach target."

      Anonymous pledger
      02/09/2015 at 6:29am
      Caroline Crosby
      02/09/2015 at 5:49am
      Kim Chapman
      02/09/2015 at 5:30am
      Douglas Osborne
      02/09/2015 at 5:18am

      "Good work!"

      Jan McIntyre
      02/09/2015 at 2:39am
      Aryelle Fidow-Kele
      02/09/2015 at 12:38am
      Carla Frische
      01/09/2015 at 11:52pm
      Anonymous pledger
      01/09/2015 at 11:19pm
      Anonymous pledger
      01/09/2015 at 11:16pm
      01/09/2015 at 11:13pm
      Jenna Tuuta
      01/09/2015 at 11:02pm

      "All the best guys!"

      Anonymous pledger
      01/09/2015 at 10:58pm
      Tracey Tawhiao
      01/09/2015 at 10:56pm

      "A lot of people giving a little is wealth. Beautiful Kaupapa. XXTT"

      Ellen Ip
      01/09/2015 at 10:54pm
      Paige Moki
      01/09/2015 at 10:38pm
      Jenny Y
      01/09/2015 at 10:35pm
      Maddie Long
      01/09/2015 at 10:33pm
      Jenny Y
      01/09/2015 at 10:31pm
      Ashlee Boyd
      01/09/2015 at 10:19pm
      Rachel Lobb
      01/09/2015 at 10:16pm
      Rebecca Jacobs
      01/09/2015 at 10:16pm

      "Such an awesome initiative. I hope anyone who can will get behind it"

      01/09/2015 at 10:09pm
      Kathryn Hickling
      01/09/2015 at 10:08pm

      Followers of Eat My Lunch | BUY ONE.GIVE ONE.

      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 15/09/2015 at 8:00 PM.