Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems

By Richard Shepherd



NZ $409,140 pledged

109 people pledged


NZ $249,996 minimum target





100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 01/11/2023 at 7:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems

About HT Systems


Daily activities that most of us take for granted are often out of reach for someone living with a disability. For the mobility-compromised, the distress of simple tasks like moving from one seat to another can bring a heartbreaking loss of freedom and quality of life.



At HT Systems, we’re not just creating products for better mobility; we’re empowering independence.


Our flagship product, the Kera sit2sit is now sold through distributors in NZ, Australia, UK and directly into the US. This year the Kera was awarded Best New Product by the Australian industry body (ATSA).


In 2021 we raised $378k from 133 PledgeMe investors. This funding enabled HT Systems to sign up with Aidacare, one of Australia’s largest healthcare equipment suppliers, who are also active in the UK. Revenues have doubled and are on track to double again this year.


Most importantly we have been able to assist hundreds more people in managing their mobility and living their best life.


And that’s just the beginning, the funding also enabled the development of more patented technology, which will be the basis of our product portfolio going forward.


As ageing populations increase worldwide, the demand for reliable and efficient in-home mobility solutions is soaring. We believe that HT Systems is strategically positioned to capture this market potential, offering you an exciting investment opportunity.


We are looking for investors to join us on the next step of our journey.


Our ambitious, and we believe, achievable five-year growth plan outlines a roadmap to introduce five products across five key markets, aiming for annual sales of $10 million before a liquidity event in 2028.


By investing in HT Systems, you’re not just supporting a business – you’re becoming a part of a movement that transforms lives. Our products have already made a positive impact in multiple countries, and your contribution can help us reach even more people.


Join us in shaping a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.


Read our full Information Memorandum here


Update from the team 


We’re so blown away by the support you showed in our latest equity crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMe. Thank you.


An incredible 109 people pledged $302,998 to help create a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions. The campaign helped raise the profile of HT Systems with some large prospective investors and organisations who can help take us forward.


Because we didn’t quite make our ambitious goal in the timeframe we set, we went back to the drawing board and did what we do best - developed a solution! Can you help us make this work?


We have reworked the crowdfunding offer with a lower minimum, which will see us through the next 12 to 18 months so we can deliver the foundations of our five-year growth plan.


Over the next 4-6 months, we’ll work to carry on discussions with larger investors, who we hope will supplement the crowdfunding so we can fully deliver the five-year growth plan.



The Problem


Daily activities that most of us take for granted are often out of reach for someone living with a disability. For the mobility-compromised, the distress of simple tasks like moving from one seat to another can bring a heartbreaking loss of freedom and quality of life.

With 4 caregiver injuries occurring every day in New Zealand, those who shoulder the responsibility of transferring mobility-compromised people are also bearing a physical toll. Caregivers, both at home and in facilities, are sacrificing valuable time and energy to transfers which could be better spent actually caring for people living with disabilities and helping them to maintain full lives.

With over 600,000 Australasians (and millions more, globally) who can’t move for themselves, we have identified a significant opportunity to support people with disabilities and their caregivers by reducing the time and the number of caregivers required to move a person.  The result is greater safety for caregivers, and a better quality of life for people living with disabilities and those that care for them.

At HT Systems, we’re not just creating products for better mobility; we’re empowering independence. 

The Solution

Our first product, the award-winning Kera sit2sit hoist, empowers people living with disability to move between seats, quickly, safely and easily with a one-to-one transfer solution that is enabling individuals and families to retain their freedom and dignity. 

The Kera sit2sit is now being sold in 5 countries, changing lives around the world, supporting those living, mostly in their own homes, with spinal cord injury, amputations, neurological diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neuron Disease, Muscular Dystrophy), Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy to live fuller lives. 

Our intention is that the Kera sit2sit is just the beginning, HT Systems has developed a strong understanding of how to transfer people and deep connections in the market.  We have used this platform to develop two new products which are in the final stages of market testing.

Our plan is to become a global multi-product assistive technology company.

Read our full Information Memorandum here

Strong Trends are Driving Global Healthcare


Aging population growth - Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double (from 12% to 22%)

Increase in Chronic Diseases - By 2050, US people older than 50 will be living with at least 1 chronic disease will double to 143m

Preference for homecare - 80% of 60+ Kiwis, who are currently living in their own home, plan to stay there

Increased life expectancy - Global Life expectancy at birth 74.1 years (2020) will rise to 74.9 years (2024)*

Increased costs of healthcare - Global health spending to grow at 3.9% p.a. from 2020 to 2024*



Our Clients

Meet Erik & Jean

"We were at a loss, really, to decide what we were going to do. [Now] I can manage here at home by myself and Jean doesn’t need to go into a rest home for care."   Erik V.

Meet Steve & Fiona

"We’ve been on holidays with it...it makes us  getting out and about a lot easier..."     Steve

"It only takes one person, I think that that’s  a big deal…"   Fiona

Read our full Information Memorandum here

Total Addressable Market


Potential Hoist Sales per Annum


Patient Handling Equipment Global Market Report 2023 estimates there is a $21.25b per annum Patient Handling Global Market. We have extrapolated potential hoist total addressable market data from ABS Disability, Aging & Carers 2018 and Worldometer as:

  • New Zealand (9k) - Sales from 2019. Continue to grow the market as Kera gains acceptance and planned introduction of new products
  • Australia (31k) and the United Kingdom (82k) -Distributor entry in 2023 with Aidacare. Consolidate sales in 2024 and planned introduction of new products.
  • North America- Largest global healthcare market. Direct sales from 2023. Planned distributor entry 2024.
  • Asia (selected - 230k) and Europe (399k)



Our Team

Richard Shepherd

Chief Executive Officer

Alex O’Keefe

Chief Technology Officer

Prof. Keith Alexander

Founder, Director & Technical Advisor

Richard is an ex-banker looking to redeem his soul. 

Richard wanted to be involved in a business that lives its values and was centred on listening to the customer.  Consequently, the HT Systems team has worked closely with health professionals, people with disabilities and their families to develop a strong understanding of their needs and what works for them. 

It may seem like a cliché, but the truth is that we enjoy the special feeling that we get when we see our products transforming people’s lives; where a person can stay in their home and much of the burden of care on their family is removed, or in a care facility where caregivers are freed up to care.  

Alex’s sister spends her life in a wheelchair. When she was young, her favourite method of transferring was on the back of one of her older brothers, so he knows precisely what is required of a transfer aid. 

While Alex’s sister doesn’t need his help anymore, he is excited about creating new technology that will help people whose lives can be greatly improved by thinking differently about assistive technology. 

Alex drives the continuing development, refinement and manufacturing of the Kera. 

The team has worked closely with people in their homes and workplaces and Alex is bursting with new product ideas to make people’s lives less challenging.  

Our founder, Keith, is a serial NZ inventor who invented the Springfree Trampoline which has gone on to be a global commercial success. 

Keith’s experience in commercialising the trampoline and his desire to make the world a safer place has led us to where we are today. 

Keith founded HT Systems in 2018 with the vision of creating a product that would change the lives of caregivers and those they care for.


Why We Need Your Investment?


"This equity funding round will fund our 5-year growth plan. We plan to drive revenue growth across 5 products in 5 key markets and targeting a liquidity event in 2028."

Richard Shepherd, CEO 

Grow in bigger markets

Develop new products

Grow our capability 

2023 has seen the successful launch into Australia and the UK through our distribution partner Aidacare. 

We have also supplied units into the US and Europe directly to end clients.

We are gaining traction in Australia and will use the model refined in this market to drive sales in bigger markets.

In 2024 we plan to exhibit at US trade shows to recruit a local distributor using the experience gained from our Australian successes.

After driving sales in these markets, we will look to other markets such as Europe and Asia.

We have proven ourselves with the award-winning Kera sit2sit, which has made a huge difference in hundreds of people’s lives. 

We’ve spent our time getting things right; all the things we’ve learned along the way can be applied to other new products. 

The PledgeMe funding in 2021, provided the business R&D capacity fueling the development of a new travel product and an innovative new lifting vest technology.   

The planned launch of these products presents an exciting step forward in the progress of the company. 

New funding will  support our next phase  of growth. 

Capability and capacity is required in Engineering, production and sales.

The business has been managed tightly and this focus will continue however resource is required to accelerate our growth opportunities and deliver sustainable profits.  

   Read our full Information Memorandum here

The Offer


We are offering up to 83,333 ordinary shares at $6.00 each which will equate to a total of approximately 8.40% of the shares in Hapai Transfer Systems Limited.  Minimum investment is 84 shares ($504.00).


Investing in HT Systems means more than just potential financial returns – it’s about investing in impact. 


Your investment helps create a tangible change toward a more inclusive and accessible world, where everyone can enjoy the freedom they deserve. 


Forecast Outcomes


For a detailed breakdown of our financials, forecasts and information, see our Information Memorandum.


What are the risks?


Access to Capital

HT Systems may require additional capital for its growth activities. That capital may not be available (in which case the growth plans and future of the company will be at risk) or may only be available at a lower price than the current investment round (resulting in a reduction in the value of your investment).


Strong competition from new or existing players

There is significant risk, as with any business, that a strong competitor through its activities can have a negative impact on HT Systems revenue generating ability and/or HT Systems growth.


Intellectual Property

HT Systems creates original intellectual property. There is a risk that IP protection cannot be secured or that the company may be exposed to unanticipated claims by other parties, or the IP in place is infringed by another party.

These scenarios can incur unexpected costs or impact sales of certain products or services being offered by HT Systems.


Revenue and profitability challenges

The forecasts presented in the IM are based on our best assumptions of the business going forward. As with all forecasts they are susceptible to uncertainty and changes in circumstances or external factors.


Regulatory challenges

The assistive technology that HT Systems develops are typically categorised as “Medical Devices” and access is regulated in most countries.


Key person risk

The HT Systems business has a small number of employees each with their own complimentary skill sets.  Should any of the management team be incapacitated for a significant length of time then the business outcomes would be effected.


COVID-19 or similar global restriction

The HT systems growth plan requires strong connections with international markets and sales to individuals with a high likelihood of being immuno-compromised.  Restrictions due to a global pandemic such as Covid-19 can reduce revenues



Read our full Information Memorandum here


Note from PledgeMe

We have completed Equifax checks on HT Systems Limited and their Directors, as well as Google and Insolvency checks. There were no adverse findings.


Updates 9

Thank you from the HT Systems' Team!

01/11/2023 at 8:19 PM


Hi All

Our crowdfunding campaign has now closed at $406,644.


Thank you to the 108 pledgers for your unbelievable support.  The PledgeMe team will be in touch to finalise everything and then we'll keep you up to date with our progress.


We are excited get back to doing what we do best, transforming the lives of people living with disability with our game changing products.

Richard, Alex and the HT Systems Board




Over $400k invested and just 7 hours left to join!

01/11/2023 at 11:48 AM


It's all smiles at HT Systems today, we’re thrilled to have received so much investment this far! Every pledge allows us to extend the benefits of our mobility solutions to more people.

Thank you to 106 people who have pledged over $405k and have become a part of a movement that is transforming lives.

If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - There's still time to help spread the word?

Can you share this email with 5 people?

Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?

Invest now at our PledgeMe campaign page

Our campaign closes at 7pm, Wednesday, 1 November or if we fill the final $95k before then.

Thanks for your support.

Richard and Alex


1 day to go! Don’t miss out on investing in our company’s growth.

31/10/2023 at 5:01 PM

Thanks to 97 amazing pledgers we have raised $394k with 1 day to go. But there’s still time to go for others to get involved!

Our campaign closes at 7pm, Wednesday, 1 November or if we fill the final $105k before then.


Meet Roger Loveless, investing for a second time

Roger Loveless is one of many people whose lives have been improved by HT Systems’ mobility solutions. The Kera Sit2Sit has allowed Roger to stay at home and to travel the world.

In this video, he’s testing our new lifting vest and standing to look his wife in the eyes for the first time in eight years.

Roger has invested in both of our equity crowdfunding rounds because he wants to see the benefits, he’s experienced available to more people.

Every pledge allows us to extend the benefits of our mobility solutions to more people like Roger.


If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - can you help spread the word?

Can you share this email with 5 people?

Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?


Invest now at our PledgeMe campaign page

Remember our equity crowdfunding investment round closes on Wednesday, 1 November at 7pm.


Thanks for your support.

Richard and Alex

We've hit our minimum! We still need your help!

24/10/2023 at 1:51 PM

We are thrilled that after only 6 days we have passed our minimum funding of $250,000.

Huge thanks to the 72 people who have put their money behind our vision to bring innovative mobility solutions to the world.

Our equity crowdfunding campaign is open for 8 more days. Get in quick to secure your investment in a company that is transforming the lives of people in care.

If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - can you help spread the word?

Can you share this email with 5 people?

Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?

Invest today and help get these mobility solutions into the hands of more people who need them.

Join us on our growth journey here:

PledgeMe campaign page

Thanks again for your amazing support

Richard and Alex

Hear from Greg Horton MNZM, investing in HT Systems for a second time.

20/10/2023 at 5:13 PM

Greg Horton, MNZM

Founding Director at HHL law firm. Prev. Director at Emirates Team New Zealand, CEO MND Association NZ.


Pleased with the progress and growth of HT Systems over the last two years, Greg has come back to invest for a second time.


“The potential for this sort of company, and their products in the disability space, is global, changing lives across the world, and driving strong returns from innovative products. There is nothing on the market with anything like the ease of this product.  HT Systems is a genuinely innovative company in the disability space, with strong empathy and ideas for the disability sector, and the product has proven to be life-changing for people with similar conditions as myself, as well as their carers.”


Greg has been battling motor neuron disease (MND) since 2015. He was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to philanthropy and governance in 2022.


We'd love for you to join us - invest today from $500 to be a part of this exciting movement.

Photo description: Greg Horton, after his investiture as MNZM, for services to philanthropy and governance, by the governor-general, Dame Cindy Kiro (from Office of the Governor-General)


Hear from Paul Hangartner, investing in HT Systems for a second time.

20/10/2023 at 5:11 PM

Paul Hangartner

Chartered accountant with 30 years experience at large firms including Airbus, AirNZ, Avis.

“The two new products represent even greater potential for change and I am excited to be part of this company as I see huge promise for its growth, and in doing so - delivering an impactful change.”


“My daughter was training to be an OT and worked at several retirement villages. She told me stories of people left waiting for hours for a shower or the toilet because the lifts could only be operated by two people.”


“I saw my initial investment as an opportunity to be part of a good thing. Now I see huge potential for a significant capture of the global market share.”


“The new products have a much wider market. I could imagine them becoming as ubiquitous as defibrillators and first aid kits.”


“The team’s ability to learn from listening to their customers and adapt the product development to make the most of these opportunities is what really impressed me.”


We'd love for you to join us - We need you to invest today from $500 to be a part of this exciting movement.

Meet the founders

20/10/2023 at 5:07 PM

Meet the team at HT Systems.  In this video, Keith, Alex and Richard outline their reasons, hopes and aspirations behind what they are doing at HT Systems.


Get involved in a movement that is transforming the lives of people in care. 


Anyone can invest today from $500 to help make an impact!

New HT Systems campaign is live - 18 October 2023

20/10/2023 at 5:04 PM

We are excited to announce that HT Systems' new PledgeMe capital raise is now open!


As ageing populations increase worldwide, the demand for reliable and efficient in-home mobility solutions i soaring. We believe HT Systems is strategically positioned to tap into this growing market, offering a unique investment opportunity.


We’re on a mission to empower individuals with mobility difficultes by providing innovative in-home solutions that allow them to keep their independence and dignity.


HT Systems has successfully launched its flagship product in for countries. Your investment will help us build on this success and expand our product portfolio.


Our ambitious five-year growth plan outlines a roadmap to introduce five products across five key markets, aiming for annual sales of over $9 million before a liquidity event in 2028.


This new investment will as allow us to:

  • Expand into the US, the largest health market in the world.
  • Launch our innovative new products.
  • Build the capacity in engineering, production and sales to be able to grow our revenues by providing better options to those who need it around the world.


By investing in HT Systems, you’re not just supporting a business – you’re becoming a part of a movement that transforms lives. Our products have already made a positive impact in multiple countries, and your contribution can help us reach even more people.


Join us in shaping a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.

We've launched a new campaign. Invest in transforming lives!

20/10/2023 at 4:48 PM


We’re so blown away by the support you showed in our latest equity crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMe. Thank you.


An incredible 109 people pledged $302,998 to help create a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.


The campaign helped raise the profile of HT Systems with some large prospective investors and organisations who can help take us forward.


Because we didn’t quite make our ambitious goal in the timeframe we set, we went back to the drawing board and did what we do best - developed a solution!


Can you help us make this work? 


We have reworked the crowdfunding offer with a lower minimum, which will see us through the next 12 to 18 months so we can deliver the foundations of our five-year growth plan.


Over the next 4-6 months, we’ll work to carry on discussions with larger investors, who we hope will supplement the crowdfunding so we can fully deliver the five-year growth plan. 


Join us on our growth journey here; PledgeMe campaign page


Thank you so much for being part of our mission to empower independence!




    Offer Details

    Current Valuation 5,382,276
    Raise Minimum 249,996
    Raise Maximum 499,998
    Share Price 6.00
    Minimum Pledge 504.00
    Maximum Shares Offered 83,333
    Explanation of valuation:

    The company is valued at NZ$5,382,276 (pre-money), using the discounted cashflow method.

    Financial Summary

    Prev Year Current Year Est. FY 2026 Est. FY 2027
    Revenue NZ $207,000 NZ $363,000 NZ $1,474,000 NZ $2,514,000
    Operating Expenses NZ $284,000 NZ $399,000 NZ $667,000 NZ $1,159,000
    EBITDA -NZ $215,000 -NZ $307,000 -NZ $125,000 -NZ $38,000
    Net Profit -NZ $234,000 -NZ $293,000 -NZ $140,000 -NZ $52,000

    Company Details

    Company Name: Hapai Transfer Systems Limited

    Company Number: 6610554

    Company Documents

    Documents no longer available to download, as this campaign has closed

    Director Details

    Name Role Profile URL Invested?
    William Lee Chair https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-bill-lee-cfinstd-magsc-a2a0618a/
    Keith Alexander Director https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Alexander_(engineer)
    Anya Hornsey Independent Director https://www.linkedin.com/in/anya-hornsey-3b99774/

    Questions 4

    Who are the end customers for the products? Individuals/families, or care facilities, hospitals and the like? Or both? If both, which is the larger opportunity?

    Does the NDIS scheme in Australia make AU a particularly interesting market....do other countries have similar schemes that would assist sales through government funding?

    (this question was copied from our previous campaign)

    Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    The end customers for the Kera sit2sit are primarily people, living with disabilities, and wanting to remain in their homes. This is because the Kera can have a profound impact on their lives and they are extremely motivated.

    We expect that care facilities and hospitals will also become a bigger part of our revenues, particularly with the new lifting vest technology coming to market next year.

    We do like working in people's homes as we can really see the impact and get instant feedback and ideas. The home market is the largest opportunity (1 product per home) and well financed through the government and not especially subject to the economic cycle..

    We are excited to be in Australia with the NDIS which I believe is worth $30bn annually. The main reason being that NDIS uses bulk funding to put the funding in the hands of the people living in care to manage their own situation. NZ is moving to bulk funding through a scheme that has been trialed, over the last few years, called enabling good lives (EGL). Under bulk funding the client can make their decisions about the impact of a product on their lives and also offset savings like external caregivers.

    Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    What are the plans to launch in the United States?
    (this question has been copied from our previous campaign)

    Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    A good portion of funds that we are raising now are to launch into the US, the largest healthcare market in the world. The good news is that we are already supplying directly to users in the US, proving that there is a strong demand for our Kera sit2sit in this market.

    We plan to follow a similar approach to our Australian expansion where we will attend some US disability and healthcare expos and generate some interest from users, therapists and distributors.

    We have had some good experience in selecting and working with distributors - getting the right distributor for HT Systems and our unique products will be the key to a strong rollout.

    Equally important is to have "boots on the ground", a business development person who will provide ongoing training to the distributor, and generate interest from therapists and end users.

    We have also developed a strong portfolio of online resources which puts the knowledge in the hands of the people on the ground and supplemented by online in-person support.

    The final stage is to increase the capacity and capability of our organisation to supply quality product to such a big market.

    With our revised campaign, we are still committed to launching in the US market in 2024 - We understand that this is a key strategic foundation of our 5 year plan and we need to get started as soon as we can.

    Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    Do you have to be a New Zealand resident to invest?
    (this question has been copied from our previous campaign)

    Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    Anyone can invest in HT Systems.

    At the end of the campaign, you will be contacted to provide some information to prove your identity and ensure that you are complying with the investment rules in your country.

    Our PledgeMe crowdfunding campaign ends on 1 November, so pledge to invest today from NZ$500 for your share of a company that is transforming the lives of people in care.

    Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    How readily (quickly) can an individual obtain a Kera sit2sit in New Zealand?
    (this question was copied from our last campaign)

    Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    Most purchases of the Kera sit2sit hoist are through the Ministry of Health or ACC. The process involves a therapist who is assigned to the person living with a disability, to assess the situation and recommend an equipment trial. The equipment trial is then organised and if successful the unit typically stays with the client.

    This process can take 2-6 weeks depending on the therapist availability, MoH processing time and location of the trial. Our distributors, Dynamic Healthcare, are very knowledgeable and experienced in this process and will assist in making the process as seamless and quick as possible.

    For private sales, this process follows similar steps but is usually much quicker.

    Email us at [email protected] if you would like further information about the Kera sit2sit and would like us to put you in touch with our distributors.

    Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

    Pledgers 109

    Sue Garland
    13/11/2023 at 8:44pm
    Jacky Laverty
    01/11/2023 at 6:05pm

    "You guys have been working above and beyond for your customers. All the best for the next growth. 👏"

    George Cassells
    01/11/2023 at 5:43pm
    E Robson
    01/11/2023 at 10:59am
    Alyshia Woods
    01/11/2023 at 10:56am
    David Ballinger
    01/11/2023 at 10:22am
    Josh Forde
    01/11/2023 at 10:22am
    Brijesh Sethi
    01/11/2023 at 9:30am
    Diane Brenssell
    31/10/2023 at 8:02pm
    John Landreth
    31/10/2023 at 7:57pm
    Dean Kirk
    31/10/2023 at 7:53pm
    Geoffrey Reed
    31/10/2023 at 6:03pm

    "Great to support, go guys!"

    Seed the Change | He Kākano Hāpai
    31/10/2023 at 4:28pm

    "HT Systems you're going to make such a difference to the lives of so many. Love ya work! "

    Tim Chaw
    31/10/2023 at 9:13am
    Elyse Shane
    30/10/2023 at 5:47pm
    Melanie Taylor
    30/10/2023 at 2:43pm
    Joy Andersen
    30/10/2023 at 1:13pm
    Catherine Clarkson
    29/10/2023 at 6:29pm
    Iain Watson
    29/10/2023 at 4:19pm

    "So pleased to be able to help make this happen - such a worthwhile cause and very important to us. Iain and Ava Watson"

    Matthias Nebel
    28/10/2023 at 5:03pm
    Daniel Page
    28/10/2023 at 12:49pm
    Su Marshall
    27/10/2023 at 7:31pm
    Anna & Philip Morrison
    27/10/2023 at 11:25am
    Annemarie Duff
    27/10/2023 at 8:57am
    Angela O'Brien
    27/10/2023 at 6:26am
    Tobias Barkley
    25/10/2023 at 7:11pm

    "In memory of Deborah, who benefited from Hapai systems"

    Janina Kay
    25/10/2023 at 10:16am
    Murray Stirling
    25/10/2023 at 10:14am
    Shirley and Kevin Wells
    25/10/2023 at 9:26am

    "Uplifting work!"

    Mel Logan
    25/10/2023 at 9:05am

    Followers 6

    Followers of Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems

    Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems

    About HT Systems


    Daily activities that most of us take for granted are often out of reach for someone living with a disability. For the mobility-compromised, the distress of simple tasks like moving from one seat to another can bring a heartbreaking loss of freedom and quality of life.



    At HT Systems, we’re not just creating products for better mobility; we’re empowering independence.


    Our flagship product, the Kera sit2sit is now sold through distributors in NZ, Australia, UK and directly into the US. This year the Kera was awarded Best New Product by the Australian industry body (ATSA).


    In 2021 we raised $378k from 133 PledgeMe investors. This funding enabled HT Systems to sign up with Aidacare, one of Australia’s largest healthcare equipment suppliers, who are also active in the UK. Revenues have doubled and are on track to double again this year.


    Most importantly we have been able to assist hundreds more people in managing their mobility and living their best life.


    And that’s just the beginning, the funding also enabled the development of more patented technology, which will be the basis of our product portfolio going forward.


    As ageing populations increase worldwide, the demand for reliable and efficient in-home mobility solutions is soaring. We believe that HT Systems is strategically positioned to capture this market potential, offering you an exciting investment opportunity.


    We are looking for investors to join us on the next step of our journey.


    Our ambitious, and we believe, achievable five-year growth plan outlines a roadmap to introduce five products across five key markets, aiming for annual sales of $10 million before a liquidity event in 2028.


    By investing in HT Systems, you’re not just supporting a business – you’re becoming a part of a movement that transforms lives. Our products have already made a positive impact in multiple countries, and your contribution can help us reach even more people.


    Join us in shaping a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.


    Read our full Information Memorandum here


    Update from the team 


    We’re so blown away by the support you showed in our latest equity crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMe. Thank you.


    An incredible 109 people pledged $302,998 to help create a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions. The campaign helped raise the profile of HT Systems with some large prospective investors and organisations who can help take us forward.


    Because we didn’t quite make our ambitious goal in the timeframe we set, we went back to the drawing board and did what we do best - developed a solution! Can you help us make this work?


    We have reworked the crowdfunding offer with a lower minimum, which will see us through the next 12 to 18 months so we can deliver the foundations of our five-year growth plan.


    Over the next 4-6 months, we’ll work to carry on discussions with larger investors, who we hope will supplement the crowdfunding so we can fully deliver the five-year growth plan.



    The Problem


    Daily activities that most of us take for granted are often out of reach for someone living with a disability. For the mobility-compromised, the distress of simple tasks like moving from one seat to another can bring a heartbreaking loss of freedom and quality of life.

    With 4 caregiver injuries occurring every day in New Zealand, those who shoulder the responsibility of transferring mobility-compromised people are also bearing a physical toll. Caregivers, both at home and in facilities, are sacrificing valuable time and energy to transfers which could be better spent actually caring for people living with disabilities and helping them to maintain full lives.

    With over 600,000 Australasians (and millions more, globally) who can’t move for themselves, we have identified a significant opportunity to support people with disabilities and their caregivers by reducing the time and the number of caregivers required to move a person.  The result is greater safety for caregivers, and a better quality of life for people living with disabilities and those that care for them.

    At HT Systems, we’re not just creating products for better mobility; we’re empowering independence. 

    The Solution

    Our first product, the award-winning Kera sit2sit hoist, empowers people living with disability to move between seats, quickly, safely and easily with a one-to-one transfer solution that is enabling individuals and families to retain their freedom and dignity. 

    The Kera sit2sit is now being sold in 5 countries, changing lives around the world, supporting those living, mostly in their own homes, with spinal cord injury, amputations, neurological diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neuron Disease, Muscular Dystrophy), Spina Bifida and Cerebral Palsy to live fuller lives. 

    Our intention is that the Kera sit2sit is just the beginning, HT Systems has developed a strong understanding of how to transfer people and deep connections in the market.  We have used this platform to develop two new products which are in the final stages of market testing.

    Our plan is to become a global multi-product assistive technology company.

    Read our full Information Memorandum here

    Strong Trends are Driving Global Healthcare


    Aging population growth - Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double (from 12% to 22%)

    Increase in Chronic Diseases - By 2050, US people older than 50 will be living with at least 1 chronic disease will double to 143m

    Preference for homecare - 80% of 60+ Kiwis, who are currently living in their own home, plan to stay there

    Increased life expectancy - Global Life expectancy at birth 74.1 years (2020) will rise to 74.9 years (2024)*

    Increased costs of healthcare - Global health spending to grow at 3.9% p.a. from 2020 to 2024*



    Our Clients

    Meet Erik & Jean

    "We were at a loss, really, to decide what we were going to do. [Now] I can manage here at home by myself and Jean doesn’t need to go into a rest home for care."   Erik V.

    Meet Steve & Fiona

    "We’ve been on holidays with it...it makes us  getting out and about a lot easier..."     Steve

    "It only takes one person, I think that that’s  a big deal…"   Fiona

    Read our full Information Memorandum here

    Total Addressable Market


    Potential Hoist Sales per Annum


    Patient Handling Equipment Global Market Report 2023 estimates there is a $21.25b per annum Patient Handling Global Market. We have extrapolated potential hoist total addressable market data from ABS Disability, Aging & Carers 2018 and Worldometer as:

    • New Zealand (9k) - Sales from 2019. Continue to grow the market as Kera gains acceptance and planned introduction of new products
    • Australia (31k) and the United Kingdom (82k) -Distributor entry in 2023 with Aidacare. Consolidate sales in 2024 and planned introduction of new products.
    • North America- Largest global healthcare market. Direct sales from 2023. Planned distributor entry 2024.
    • Asia (selected - 230k) and Europe (399k)



    Our Team

    Richard Shepherd

    Chief Executive Officer

    Alex O’Keefe

    Chief Technology Officer

    Prof. Keith Alexander

    Founder, Director & Technical Advisor

    Richard is an ex-banker looking to redeem his soul. 

    Richard wanted to be involved in a business that lives its values and was centred on listening to the customer.  Consequently, the HT Systems team has worked closely with health professionals, people with disabilities and their families to develop a strong understanding of their needs and what works for them. 

    It may seem like a cliché, but the truth is that we enjoy the special feeling that we get when we see our products transforming people’s lives; where a person can stay in their home and much of the burden of care on their family is removed, or in a care facility where caregivers are freed up to care.  

    Alex’s sister spends her life in a wheelchair. When she was young, her favourite method of transferring was on the back of one of her older brothers, so he knows precisely what is required of a transfer aid. 

    While Alex’s sister doesn’t need his help anymore, he is excited about creating new technology that will help people whose lives can be greatly improved by thinking differently about assistive technology. 

    Alex drives the continuing development, refinement and manufacturing of the Kera. 

    The team has worked closely with people in their homes and workplaces and Alex is bursting with new product ideas to make people’s lives less challenging.  

    Our founder, Keith, is a serial NZ inventor who invented the Springfree Trampoline which has gone on to be a global commercial success. 

    Keith’s experience in commercialising the trampoline and his desire to make the world a safer place has led us to where we are today. 

    Keith founded HT Systems in 2018 with the vision of creating a product that would change the lives of caregivers and those they care for.


    Why We Need Your Investment?


    "This equity funding round will fund our 5-year growth plan. We plan to drive revenue growth across 5 products in 5 key markets and targeting a liquidity event in 2028."

    Richard Shepherd, CEO 

    Grow in bigger markets

    Develop new products

    Grow our capability 

    2023 has seen the successful launch into Australia and the UK through our distribution partner Aidacare. 

    We have also supplied units into the US and Europe directly to end clients.

    We are gaining traction in Australia and will use the model refined in this market to drive sales in bigger markets.

    In 2024 we plan to exhibit at US trade shows to recruit a local distributor using the experience gained from our Australian successes.

    After driving sales in these markets, we will look to other markets such as Europe and Asia.

    We have proven ourselves with the award-winning Kera sit2sit, which has made a huge difference in hundreds of people’s lives. 

    We’ve spent our time getting things right; all the things we’ve learned along the way can be applied to other new products. 

    The PledgeMe funding in 2021, provided the business R&D capacity fueling the development of a new travel product and an innovative new lifting vest technology.   

    The planned launch of these products presents an exciting step forward in the progress of the company. 

    New funding will  support our next phase  of growth. 

    Capability and capacity is required in Engineering, production and sales.

    The business has been managed tightly and this focus will continue however resource is required to accelerate our growth opportunities and deliver sustainable profits.  

       Read our full Information Memorandum here

    The Offer


    We are offering up to 83,333 ordinary shares at $6.00 each which will equate to a total of approximately 8.40% of the shares in Hapai Transfer Systems Limited.  Minimum investment is 84 shares ($504.00).


    Investing in HT Systems means more than just potential financial returns – it’s about investing in impact. 


    Your investment helps create a tangible change toward a more inclusive and accessible world, where everyone can enjoy the freedom they deserve. 


    Forecast Outcomes


    For a detailed breakdown of our financials, forecasts and information, see our Information Memorandum.


    What are the risks?


    Access to Capital

    HT Systems may require additional capital for its growth activities. That capital may not be available (in which case the growth plans and future of the company will be at risk) or may only be available at a lower price than the current investment round (resulting in a reduction in the value of your investment).


    Strong competition from new or existing players

    There is significant risk, as with any business, that a strong competitor through its activities can have a negative impact on HT Systems revenue generating ability and/or HT Systems growth.


    Intellectual Property

    HT Systems creates original intellectual property. There is a risk that IP protection cannot be secured or that the company may be exposed to unanticipated claims by other parties, or the IP in place is infringed by another party.

    These scenarios can incur unexpected costs or impact sales of certain products or services being offered by HT Systems.


    Revenue and profitability challenges

    The forecasts presented in the IM are based on our best assumptions of the business going forward. As with all forecasts they are susceptible to uncertainty and changes in circumstances or external factors.


    Regulatory challenges

    The assistive technology that HT Systems develops are typically categorised as “Medical Devices” and access is regulated in most countries.


    Key person risk

    The HT Systems business has a small number of employees each with their own complimentary skill sets.  Should any of the management team be incapacitated for a significant length of time then the business outcomes would be effected.


    COVID-19 or similar global restriction

    The HT systems growth plan requires strong connections with international markets and sales to individuals with a high likelihood of being immuno-compromised.  Restrictions due to a global pandemic such as Covid-19 can reduce revenues



    Read our full Information Memorandum here


    Note from PledgeMe

    We have completed Equifax checks on HT Systems Limited and their Directors, as well as Google and Insolvency checks. There were no adverse findings.


    Thank you from the HT Systems' Team!

    01/11/2023 at 8:19 PM


    Hi All

    Our crowdfunding campaign has now closed at $406,644.


    Thank you to the 108 pledgers for your unbelievable support.  The PledgeMe team will be in touch to finalise everything and then we'll keep you up to date with our progress.


    We are excited get back to doing what we do best, transforming the lives of people living with disability with our game changing products.

    Richard, Alex and the HT Systems Board




    Over $400k invested and just 7 hours left to join!

    01/11/2023 at 11:48 AM


    It's all smiles at HT Systems today, we’re thrilled to have received so much investment this far! Every pledge allows us to extend the benefits of our mobility solutions to more people.

    Thank you to 106 people who have pledged over $405k and have become a part of a movement that is transforming lives.

    If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - There's still time to help spread the word?

    Can you share this email with 5 people?

    Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?

    Invest now at our PledgeMe campaign page

    Our campaign closes at 7pm, Wednesday, 1 November or if we fill the final $95k before then.

    Thanks for your support.

    Richard and Alex


    1 day to go! Don’t miss out on investing in our company’s growth.

    31/10/2023 at 5:01 PM

    Thanks to 97 amazing pledgers we have raised $394k with 1 day to go. But there’s still time to go for others to get involved!

    Our campaign closes at 7pm, Wednesday, 1 November or if we fill the final $105k before then.


    Meet Roger Loveless, investing for a second time

    Roger Loveless is one of many people whose lives have been improved by HT Systems’ mobility solutions. The Kera Sit2Sit has allowed Roger to stay at home and to travel the world.

    In this video, he’s testing our new lifting vest and standing to look his wife in the eyes for the first time in eight years.

    Roger has invested in both of our equity crowdfunding rounds because he wants to see the benefits, he’s experienced available to more people.

    Every pledge allows us to extend the benefits of our mobility solutions to more people like Roger.


    If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - can you help spread the word?

    Can you share this email with 5 people?

    Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?


    Invest now at our PledgeMe campaign page

    Remember our equity crowdfunding investment round closes on Wednesday, 1 November at 7pm.


    Thanks for your support.

    Richard and Alex

    We've hit our minimum! We still need your help!

    24/10/2023 at 1:51 PM

    We are thrilled that after only 6 days we have passed our minimum funding of $250,000.

    Huge thanks to the 72 people who have put their money behind our vision to bring innovative mobility solutions to the world.

    Our equity crowdfunding campaign is open for 8 more days. Get in quick to secure your investment in a company that is transforming the lives of people in care.

    If you’re not able to invest - or you already have (THANK YOU!) - can you help spread the word?

    Can you share this email with 5 people?

    Can you post our PledgeMe link on your social networks?

    Invest today and help get these mobility solutions into the hands of more people who need them.

    Join us on our growth journey here:

    PledgeMe campaign page

    Thanks again for your amazing support

    Richard and Alex

    Hear from Greg Horton MNZM, investing in HT Systems for a second time.

    20/10/2023 at 5:13 PM

    Greg Horton, MNZM

    Founding Director at HHL law firm. Prev. Director at Emirates Team New Zealand, CEO MND Association NZ.


    Pleased with the progress and growth of HT Systems over the last two years, Greg has come back to invest for a second time.


    “The potential for this sort of company, and their products in the disability space, is global, changing lives across the world, and driving strong returns from innovative products. There is nothing on the market with anything like the ease of this product.  HT Systems is a genuinely innovative company in the disability space, with strong empathy and ideas for the disability sector, and the product has proven to be life-changing for people with similar conditions as myself, as well as their carers.”


    Greg has been battling motor neuron disease (MND) since 2015. He was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to philanthropy and governance in 2022.


    We'd love for you to join us - invest today from $500 to be a part of this exciting movement.

    Photo description: Greg Horton, after his investiture as MNZM, for services to philanthropy and governance, by the governor-general, Dame Cindy Kiro (from Office of the Governor-General)


    Hear from Paul Hangartner, investing in HT Systems for a second time.

    20/10/2023 at 5:11 PM

    Paul Hangartner

    Chartered accountant with 30 years experience at large firms including Airbus, AirNZ, Avis.

    “The two new products represent even greater potential for change and I am excited to be part of this company as I see huge promise for its growth, and in doing so - delivering an impactful change.”


    “My daughter was training to be an OT and worked at several retirement villages. She told me stories of people left waiting for hours for a shower or the toilet because the lifts could only be operated by two people.”


    “I saw my initial investment as an opportunity to be part of a good thing. Now I see huge potential for a significant capture of the global market share.”


    “The new products have a much wider market. I could imagine them becoming as ubiquitous as defibrillators and first aid kits.”


    “The team’s ability to learn from listening to their customers and adapt the product development to make the most of these opportunities is what really impressed me.”


    We'd love for you to join us - We need you to invest today from $500 to be a part of this exciting movement.

    Meet the founders

    20/10/2023 at 5:07 PM

    Meet the team at HT Systems.  In this video, Keith, Alex and Richard outline their reasons, hopes and aspirations behind what they are doing at HT Systems.


    Get involved in a movement that is transforming the lives of people in care. 


    Anyone can invest today from $500 to help make an impact!

    New HT Systems campaign is live - 18 October 2023

    20/10/2023 at 5:04 PM

    We are excited to announce that HT Systems' new PledgeMe capital raise is now open!


    As ageing populations increase worldwide, the demand for reliable and efficient in-home mobility solutions i soaring. We believe HT Systems is strategically positioned to tap into this growing market, offering a unique investment opportunity.


    We’re on a mission to empower individuals with mobility difficultes by providing innovative in-home solutions that allow them to keep their independence and dignity.


    HT Systems has successfully launched its flagship product in for countries. Your investment will help us build on this success and expand our product portfolio.


    Our ambitious five-year growth plan outlines a roadmap to introduce five products across five key markets, aiming for annual sales of over $9 million before a liquidity event in 2028.


    This new investment will as allow us to:

    • Expand into the US, the largest health market in the world.
    • Launch our innovative new products.
    • Build the capacity in engineering, production and sales to be able to grow our revenues by providing better options to those who need it around the world.


    By investing in HT Systems, you’re not just supporting a business – you’re becoming a part of a movement that transforms lives. Our products have already made a positive impact in multiple countries, and your contribution can help us reach even more people.


    Join us in shaping a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.

    We've launched a new campaign. Invest in transforming lives!

    20/10/2023 at 4:48 PM


    We’re so blown away by the support you showed in our latest equity crowdfunding campaign on PledgeMe. Thank you.


    An incredible 109 people pledged $302,998 to help create a future where mobility challenges are met with innovative solutions.


    The campaign helped raise the profile of HT Systems with some large prospective investors and organisations who can help take us forward.


    Because we didn’t quite make our ambitious goal in the timeframe we set, we went back to the drawing board and did what we do best - developed a solution!


    Can you help us make this work? 


    We have reworked the crowdfunding offer with a lower minimum, which will see us through the next 12 to 18 months so we can deliver the foundations of our five-year growth plan.


    Over the next 4-6 months, we’ll work to carry on discussions with larger investors, who we hope will supplement the crowdfunding so we can fully deliver the five-year growth plan. 


    Join us on our growth journey here; PledgeMe campaign page


    Thank you so much for being part of our mission to empower independence!



      Offer Details

      Current Valuation 5,382,276
      Raise Minimum 249,996
      Raise Maximum 499,998
      Share Price 6.00
      Minimum Pledge 504.00
      Maximum Shares Offered 83,333
      Explanation of valuation:

      The company is valued at NZ$5,382,276 (pre-money), using the discounted cashflow method.

      Financial Summary

      Prev Year Current Year Est. FY 2026 Est. FY 2027
      Revenue NZ $207,000 NZ $363,000 NZ $1,474,000 NZ $2,514,000
      Operating Expenses NZ $284,000 NZ $399,000 NZ $667,000 NZ $1,159,000
      EBITDA -NZ $215,000 -NZ $307,000 -NZ $125,000 -NZ $38,000
      Net Profit -NZ $234,000 -NZ $293,000 -NZ $140,000 -NZ $52,000

      Company Details

      Company Name: Hapai Transfer Systems Limited

      Company Number: 6610554

      Company Documents

      Documents no longer available to download, as this campaign has closed

      Director Details

      Name Role Profile URL Invested?
      William Lee Chair https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-bill-lee-cfinstd-magsc-a2a0618a/
      Keith Alexander Director https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Alexander_(engineer)
      Anya Hornsey Independent Director https://www.linkedin.com/in/anya-hornsey-3b99774/

      Who are the end customers for the products? Individuals/families, or care facilities, hospitals and the like? Or both? If both, which is the larger opportunity?

      Does the NDIS scheme in Australia make AU a particularly interesting market....do other countries have similar schemes that would assist sales through government funding?

      (this question was copied from our previous campaign)

      Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      The end customers for the Kera sit2sit are primarily people, living with disabilities, and wanting to remain in their homes. This is because the Kera can have a profound impact on their lives and they are extremely motivated.

      We expect that care facilities and hospitals will also become a bigger part of our revenues, particularly with the new lifting vest technology coming to market next year.

      We do like working in people's homes as we can really see the impact and get instant feedback and ideas. The home market is the largest opportunity (1 product per home) and well financed through the government and not especially subject to the economic cycle..

      We are excited to be in Australia with the NDIS which I believe is worth $30bn annually. The main reason being that NDIS uses bulk funding to put the funding in the hands of the people living in care to manage their own situation. NZ is moving to bulk funding through a scheme that has been trialed, over the last few years, called enabling good lives (EGL). Under bulk funding the client can make their decisions about the impact of a product on their lives and also offset savings like external caregivers.

      Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      What are the plans to launch in the United States?
      (this question has been copied from our previous campaign)

      Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      A good portion of funds that we are raising now are to launch into the US, the largest healthcare market in the world. The good news is that we are already supplying directly to users in the US, proving that there is a strong demand for our Kera sit2sit in this market.

      We plan to follow a similar approach to our Australian expansion where we will attend some US disability and healthcare expos and generate some interest from users, therapists and distributors.

      We have had some good experience in selecting and working with distributors - getting the right distributor for HT Systems and our unique products will be the key to a strong rollout.

      Equally important is to have "boots on the ground", a business development person who will provide ongoing training to the distributor, and generate interest from therapists and end users.

      We have also developed a strong portfolio of online resources which puts the knowledge in the hands of the people on the ground and supplemented by online in-person support.

      The final stage is to increase the capacity and capability of our organisation to supply quality product to such a big market.

      With our revised campaign, we are still committed to launching in the US market in 2024 - We understand that this is a key strategic foundation of our 5 year plan and we need to get started as soon as we can.

      Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      Do you have to be a New Zealand resident to invest?
      (this question has been copied from our previous campaign)

      Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      Anyone can invest in HT Systems.

      At the end of the campaign, you will be contacted to provide some information to prove your identity and ensure that you are complying with the investment rules in your country.

      Our PledgeMe crowdfunding campaign ends on 1 November, so pledge to invest today from NZ$500 for your share of a company that is transforming the lives of people in care.

      Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      How readily (quickly) can an individual obtain a Kera sit2sit in New Zealand?
      (this question was copied from our last campaign)

      Posted on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      Most purchases of the Kera sit2sit hoist are through the Ministry of Health or ACC. The process involves a therapist who is assigned to the person living with a disability, to assess the situation and recommend an equipment trial. The equipment trial is then organised and if successful the unit typically stays with the client.

      This process can take 2-6 weeks depending on the therapist availability, MoH processing time and location of the trial. Our distributors, Dynamic Healthcare, are very knowledgeable and experienced in this process and will assist in making the process as seamless and quick as possible.

      For private sales, this process follows similar steps but is usually much quicker.

      Email us at [email protected] if you would like further information about the Kera sit2sit and would like us to put you in touch with our distributors.

      Answered on 20-10-2023 by Richard Shepherd

      Followers of Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems

      Sue Garland
      13/11/2023 at 8:44pm
      Jacky Laverty
      01/11/2023 at 6:05pm

      "You guys have been working above and beyond for your customers. All the best for the next growth. 👏"

      George Cassells
      01/11/2023 at 5:43pm
      E Robson
      01/11/2023 at 10:59am
      Alyshia Woods
      01/11/2023 at 10:56am
      David Ballinger
      01/11/2023 at 10:22am
      Josh Forde
      01/11/2023 at 10:22am
      Brijesh Sethi
      01/11/2023 at 9:30am
      Diane Brenssell
      31/10/2023 at 8:02pm
      John Landreth
      31/10/2023 at 7:57pm
      Dean Kirk
      31/10/2023 at 7:53pm
      Geoffrey Reed
      31/10/2023 at 6:03pm

      "Great to support, go guys!"

      Seed the Change | He Kākano Hāpai
      31/10/2023 at 4:28pm

      "HT Systems you're going to make such a difference to the lives of so many. Love ya work! "

      Tim Chaw
      31/10/2023 at 9:13am
      Elyse Shane
      30/10/2023 at 5:47pm
      Melanie Taylor
      30/10/2023 at 2:43pm
      Joy Andersen
      30/10/2023 at 1:13pm
      Catherine Clarkson
      29/10/2023 at 6:29pm
      Iain Watson
      29/10/2023 at 4:19pm

      "So pleased to be able to help make this happen - such a worthwhile cause and very important to us. Iain and Ava Watson"

      Matthias Nebel
      28/10/2023 at 5:03pm
      Daniel Page
      28/10/2023 at 12:49pm
      Su Marshall
      27/10/2023 at 7:31pm
      Anna & Philip Morrison
      27/10/2023 at 11:25am
      Annemarie Duff
      27/10/2023 at 8:57am
      Angela O'Brien
      27/10/2023 at 6:26am
      Tobias Barkley
      25/10/2023 at 7:11pm

      "In memory of Deborah, who benefited from Hapai systems"

      Janina Kay
      25/10/2023 at 10:16am
      Murray Stirling
      25/10/2023 at 10:14am
      Shirley and Kevin Wells
      25/10/2023 at 9:26am

      "Uplifting work!"

      Mel Logan
      25/10/2023 at 9:05am
      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 01/11/2023 at 7:00 PM.

      This campaign has closed, but this company may choose to do more equity raises on PledgeMe in the future. If you're interested in investing in Hapai Transfer Systems Limited t/a HT Systems, you can sign up to be notified when a new equity campaign from this company is published.

      Notify Me

      Investor Perks

      Ordinary Shares

      NZ $504.00+

      Minimum investment = $504.00 This equates to 84 shares / $6.00 per share You can read more about the rights attached to shares in our Constitution.

      Warning statement about equity crowdfunding

      Equity crowdfunding is risky.

      Issuers using this facility include new or rapidly growing ventures. Investment in these types of business is very speculative and carries high risks.

      You may lose your entire investment, and must be in a position to bear this risk without undue hardship.

      New Zealand law normally requires people who offer financial products to give information to investors before they invest. This requires those offering financial products to have disclosed information that is important for investors to make an informed decision.

      The usual rules do not apply to offers by issuers using this facility. As a result, you may not be given all the information usually required. You will also have fewer other legal protections for this investment.

      Ask questions, read all information given carefully, and seek independent financial advice before committing yourself.