By Tatsushi Hasegawa



NZ $5,914 pledged

42 people pledged


NZ $5,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 15/05/2024 at 12:00 AM.

Make a Pledge



Project 2024-02-16 00:28:07 +1300



I have always dreamed of providing healthcare through my hair salon.

I firmly believe that our regular face-to-face interactions make us well-suited to educate about disease prevention.


By visualizing the scalp condition using a microscope and identifying customer concerns, we aim to address scalp issues through head massages.

Regular check-ups can lead to early detection of skin cancer and help build data on individuals before they become ill, enabling collaboration with medical institutions.

hair pors 


A few years ago, there was a sad incident where a customer I hadn't seen in a while passed away due to skin cancer.

Skin cancer, especially melanoma, is a serious concern in New Zealand. 

Like all cancers, the critical elements are 'prevention and early detection.'


Have you heard of such a story? A hairdresser noticed changes in the scalp of a regular client and advised him to consult a specialist.

This led to an early diagnosis of skin cancer, saving his life. This story feels incredibly promising to me.

I firmly believe that regular encounters can contribute to disease prevention.


Previous initiatives and market demand research.

I have participated in the Canterbury University Venture Program "Health Tech Challenge" and conducted research through my hairdressing work.

We have received a lot of positive feedback and evaluations, and many people are feeling the potential.

As a result of a survey on scalp concerns, we found that 68% of participants have experienced problems with their scalp. This figure indicates that there is a demand for solutions that critically address scalp issues. 

Our innovation starts from Riccarton in Christchurch.

To all those who have supported us so far, thank you very much.

Our salon is located at 15/35 Riccarton Road.

Situated near Hagley Park, it occupies a quiet first floor. We chose a property with secluded features rather than being in a high-traffic area, as we want everyone to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere.

Why is crowdfunding necessary?

Our plan involves initially adopting a B2C approach and later expanding to B2B. By collaborating with medical institutions and skin check organizations, we aim to extend this initiative to additional hair salons. Our growth strategy entails utilizing the data and trust garnered in the consumer market (ToC) to establish a more compelling presence in the business sector (ToB).


This approach enables us to build and accumulate trust more effectively.

To assist individuals who potentially have concerns or those who simply wish to know their condition more easily, it is crucial to first establish a Head Spa salon.



My ultimate goal is for people to understand the importance of caring for their scalp by experiencing our services firsthand. Through experiencing a head spa, individuals may have the opportunity to visualize stress or issues that they may not typically notice.

Please note: The rewards listed here will be redeemable for treatments at our salon. We will reach out to you directly regarding the reservation process, so please stay tuned for updates. You can make reservations through the following methods: Online booking, Direct messaging for reservations. We will prioritize guiding you through the booking process as soon as our opening is confirmed. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

For instance, issues like a stiff scalp or redness may go unnoticed or unfelt by oneself. By providing a healing environment and raising awareness about health, we aim to achieve our purpose. Furthermore, by spreading awareness of this initiative and expanding it to the Oceania region, we sincerely hope to positively impact the lives of many individuals.


Blissful Head Oasis (Head Spa)

This course offers scalp cleansing and relaxation while providing head massages.

It is especially recommended for those who have concerns such as dandruff, itching, and dryness of the scalp.

The aim is to maintain a healthy scalp and provide a relaxing experience.



Blissful Head Oasis for MEN  (Scalp Cleansing Head Spa + Haircut For Men)

This course is tailored for men, offering scalp cleansing head spa, and haircut.

It removes sebum dirt and promotes the growth of a clean scalp and healthy hair.

It is recommended for those who are concerned about thinning hair or oily scalp.











Treatment Head Spa + Haircut (For Women)

This is a treatment head spa and haircut course designed for women.

It prioritizes the improvement of the scalp and hair, aiming to achieve supple and healthy hair.

Let's relax and achieve beautiful hair together.

Scalp Revitalisation Intensive Course 

This is a three-month intensive course tailored for those troubled by scalp issues such as dandruff, itching, and dryness. It includes three sessions of head spa and haircut, along with a dedicated serum. Focus on improving the scalp intensively.


Who will fulfill this?

Hase (Tatsushi Hasegawa)

I have gained experience as a hairdresser and makeup artist in Japan and New Zealand, while also working in the healthcare industry focusing on preventive health care.

Additionally, I have obtained qualifications as a personal trainer and have been actively contributing to people's health and well-being for many years.

Here in New Zealand, I am involved in various entrepreneurship programs to leverage the value of face-to-face interactions and contribute to people's health. I am also a member of the Japan Preventive Medicine Promotion Association.



The timeline

30 April 2024 - PledgeMe campaign closes

15 May 2024 - Head Spa salon SERENDIPITY+ Open

1 June 2024 to 1 November 2024 - Rewards fulfillment begins

Contact us






Updates 2

You need to pledge to see this update.


18/03/2024 at 11:50 AM


予防医療を学んで、この地で美容師として人々の健康に寄与できることをとても楽しみに感じています。 いつかこの取り組みが皮膚がんに留まらず、たくさんの病気を予防する活動につながるように努めてまいりますので、皆様これからのアップデートも楽しみにお待ちくださいませ。 すべてのご支援いただいた方には日本に帰国した際に直接ご挨拶させていただきますのでしばしお待ちくださいませ。 まだまだクラウドファウンディングが成功に至っておりませんが最後までたくさんの方に届くように頑張ってまいります。

また、情報が不足していた場所についてのアップデートのご連絡です。 私たちのサロンは 15/35 Riccarton Road に位置し、クライストチャーチの代表格となるハグレパーク公園から歩いてアクセスできるような閑静な場所に位置しております。 ご来店いただいた方によりリラックスいただけるようなプライベート空間にできるように場所を慎重に選んできました。 日本から輸入した純日本製のリラックスできるフルフラットなシャンプー台でマッサージを楽しんで頂けることが待ちきれません。 また引き続きアップデートいたしますので情報をお待ちいただけたら幸いです。何かご不明な点がありましたらお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Email: [email protected] 引き続きご支援、応援いただけるようにがんばります。


To all our supporters from Japan,

We sincerely thank you for your generous support from Japan. I am thrilled at the opportunity to contribute to people's health as a hairstylist here, having learned about preventive medicine.

I look forward to the day when this initiative not only focuses on preventing skin cancer but also contributes to preventing many other diseases. Please look forward to further updates from us.

To all who have supported us, I will personally express my gratitude when I return to Japan. Please bear with us as we continue to strive to reach as many people as possible until the end of our crowdfunding campaign.

Here's an update regarding the areas where information was lacking: Our salon is located at

15/35 Riccarton Road

situated in a serene location within walking distance from Hagley Park, one of Christchurch's landmarks. We have carefully chosen this location to provide our visitors with a private space where they can truly relax. We can't wait for you to experience the massage on our fully reclining shampoo chairs, which are imported directly from Japan and designed to provide the utmost relaxation. We will continue to provide updates, and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement.
CEO Hase

    Pledgers 42

    Anonymous pledger
    29/04/2024 at 11:24pm
    Anonymous pledger
    29/04/2024 at 11:23pm
    Anonymous pledger
    29/04/2024 at 11:22pm
    25/04/2024 at 7:13pm


    Kenta Uchida
    23/04/2024 at 8:31pm

    "こんにちは、竜士さん。ときさんから、クラウドファンディングに挑戦されていることを聞きました。挑戦的だけど人の健康に関する大切な内容で、今後の成果も楽しみなので、ぜひとも応援したいと思いました。ささやかではありますが、支援をさせて下さい。今後も応援しています。 健太"

    Naoki kawabata
    18/04/2024 at 10:29am

    "応援してます!頑張ってください! 川端"

    andrew thana
    14/04/2024 at 10:28pm
    14/04/2024 at 9:45pm
    Daiki Hirano
    14/04/2024 at 6:07pm

    "事業うまくいくこと祈ってます!!! また茶しばきましょ!"

    Anonymous pledger
    14/04/2024 at 4:08pm
    Anonymous pledger
    14/04/2024 at 4:02pm
    11/04/2024 at 8:50am


    Kotaro Kishimoto
    09/04/2024 at 11:13pm
    04/04/2024 at 3:54pm


    Anonymous pledger
    03/04/2024 at 11:12am
    02/04/2024 at 10:11am


    Anonymous pledger
    01/04/2024 at 2:10am
    田沼 美華
    31/03/2024 at 10:10pm
    Masayuki Ito
    31/03/2024 at 3:40pm

    "Kia Ora Hase-san, I support your fantastic and impactful project and appreciate your aspiration and philanthropic efforts to empower humanity."

    Anonymous pledger
    29/03/2024 at 12:52pm

    "ささやかですが応援しています! いつもありがとうございます。 ヘイスさんのスキルアップによってFaviewもとっても助かるので引き続きよろしくお願いいたします!!"

    Kosei Oikawa
    26/03/2024 at 1:13pm


    Anonymous pledger
    26/03/2024 at 1:11pm
    Jason Chin
    23/03/2024 at 9:04pm
    Jason Chin
    23/03/2024 at 9:00pm
    Risa Dyer
    21/03/2024 at 5:22pm
    17/03/2024 at 5:50pm

    "Good luck Hase! I am very excited for your new business venture and I think its a great idea!"

    Jacky Laverty
    15/03/2024 at 10:29am

    "Sounds absolutely amazing! Looking forward to my course. Can you let me know please, though, in which location you will open your salon? X"

    Mika Takagi
    13/03/2024 at 7:52pm


    Jon Barlow
    13/03/2024 at 12:30am

    "Good luck!"

    Anonymous pledger
    12/03/2024 at 10:54pm

    Followers 1

    Followers of SERENDIPITY+


    Project 2024-02-16 00:28:07 +1300



    I have always dreamed of providing healthcare through my hair salon.

    I firmly believe that our regular face-to-face interactions make us well-suited to educate about disease prevention.


    By visualizing the scalp condition using a microscope and identifying customer concerns, we aim to address scalp issues through head massages.

    Regular check-ups can lead to early detection of skin cancer and help build data on individuals before they become ill, enabling collaboration with medical institutions.

    hair pors 


    A few years ago, there was a sad incident where a customer I hadn't seen in a while passed away due to skin cancer.

    Skin cancer, especially melanoma, is a serious concern in New Zealand. 

    Like all cancers, the critical elements are 'prevention and early detection.'


    Have you heard of such a story? A hairdresser noticed changes in the scalp of a regular client and advised him to consult a specialist.

    This led to an early diagnosis of skin cancer, saving his life. This story feels incredibly promising to me.

    I firmly believe that regular encounters can contribute to disease prevention.


    Previous initiatives and market demand research.

    I have participated in the Canterbury University Venture Program "Health Tech Challenge" and conducted research through my hairdressing work.

    We have received a lot of positive feedback and evaluations, and many people are feeling the potential.

    As a result of a survey on scalp concerns, we found that 68% of participants have experienced problems with their scalp. This figure indicates that there is a demand for solutions that critically address scalp issues. 

    Our innovation starts from Riccarton in Christchurch.

    To all those who have supported us so far, thank you very much.

    Our salon is located at 15/35 Riccarton Road.

    Situated near Hagley Park, it occupies a quiet first floor. We chose a property with secluded features rather than being in a high-traffic area, as we want everyone to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere.

    Why is crowdfunding necessary?

    Our plan involves initially adopting a B2C approach and later expanding to B2B. By collaborating with medical institutions and skin check organizations, we aim to extend this initiative to additional hair salons. Our growth strategy entails utilizing the data and trust garnered in the consumer market (ToC) to establish a more compelling presence in the business sector (ToB).


    This approach enables us to build and accumulate trust more effectively.

    To assist individuals who potentially have concerns or those who simply wish to know their condition more easily, it is crucial to first establish a Head Spa salon.



    My ultimate goal is for people to understand the importance of caring for their scalp by experiencing our services firsthand. Through experiencing a head spa, individuals may have the opportunity to visualize stress or issues that they may not typically notice.

    Please note: The rewards listed here will be redeemable for treatments at our salon. We will reach out to you directly regarding the reservation process, so please stay tuned for updates. You can make reservations through the following methods: Online booking, Direct messaging for reservations. We will prioritize guiding you through the booking process as soon as our opening is confirmed. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

    For instance, issues like a stiff scalp or redness may go unnoticed or unfelt by oneself. By providing a healing environment and raising awareness about health, we aim to achieve our purpose. Furthermore, by spreading awareness of this initiative and expanding it to the Oceania region, we sincerely hope to positively impact the lives of many individuals.


    Blissful Head Oasis (Head Spa)

    This course offers scalp cleansing and relaxation while providing head massages.

    It is especially recommended for those who have concerns such as dandruff, itching, and dryness of the scalp.

    The aim is to maintain a healthy scalp and provide a relaxing experience.



    Blissful Head Oasis for MEN  (Scalp Cleansing Head Spa + Haircut For Men)

    This course is tailored for men, offering scalp cleansing head spa, and haircut.

    It removes sebum dirt and promotes the growth of a clean scalp and healthy hair.

    It is recommended for those who are concerned about thinning hair or oily scalp.











    Treatment Head Spa + Haircut (For Women)

    This is a treatment head spa and haircut course designed for women.

    It prioritizes the improvement of the scalp and hair, aiming to achieve supple and healthy hair.

    Let's relax and achieve beautiful hair together.

    Scalp Revitalisation Intensive Course 

    This is a three-month intensive course tailored for those troubled by scalp issues such as dandruff, itching, and dryness. It includes three sessions of head spa and haircut, along with a dedicated serum. Focus on improving the scalp intensively.


    Who will fulfill this?

    Hase (Tatsushi Hasegawa)

    I have gained experience as a hairdresser and makeup artist in Japan and New Zealand, while also working in the healthcare industry focusing on preventive health care.

    Additionally, I have obtained qualifications as a personal trainer and have been actively contributing to people's health and well-being for many years.

    Here in New Zealand, I am involved in various entrepreneurship programs to leverage the value of face-to-face interactions and contribute to people's health. I am also a member of the Japan Preventive Medicine Promotion Association.



    The timeline

    30 April 2024 - PledgeMe campaign closes

    15 May 2024 - Head Spa salon SERENDIPITY+ Open

    1 June 2024 to 1 November 2024 - Rewards fulfillment begins

    Contact us






    You need to pledge to see this update.


    18/03/2024 at 11:50 AM


    予防医療を学んで、この地で美容師として人々の健康に寄与できることをとても楽しみに感じています。 いつかこの取り組みが皮膚がんに留まらず、たくさんの病気を予防する活動につながるように努めてまいりますので、皆様これからのアップデートも楽しみにお待ちくださいませ。 すべてのご支援いただいた方には日本に帰国した際に直接ご挨拶させていただきますのでしばしお待ちくださいませ。 まだまだクラウドファウンディングが成功に至っておりませんが最後までたくさんの方に届くように頑張ってまいります。

    また、情報が不足していた場所についてのアップデートのご連絡です。 私たちのサロンは 15/35 Riccarton Road に位置し、クライストチャーチの代表格となるハグレパーク公園から歩いてアクセスできるような閑静な場所に位置しております。 ご来店いただいた方によりリラックスいただけるようなプライベート空間にできるように場所を慎重に選んできました。 日本から輸入した純日本製のリラックスできるフルフラットなシャンプー台でマッサージを楽しんで頂けることが待ちきれません。 また引き続きアップデートいたしますので情報をお待ちいただけたら幸いです。何かご不明な点がありましたらお気軽にお問い合わせください。 Email: [email protected] 引き続きご支援、応援いただけるようにがんばります。


    To all our supporters from Japan,

    We sincerely thank you for your generous support from Japan. I am thrilled at the opportunity to contribute to people's health as a hairstylist here, having learned about preventive medicine.

    I look forward to the day when this initiative not only focuses on preventing skin cancer but also contributes to preventing many other diseases. Please look forward to further updates from us.

    To all who have supported us, I will personally express my gratitude when I return to Japan. Please bear with us as we continue to strive to reach as many people as possible until the end of our crowdfunding campaign.

    Here's an update regarding the areas where information was lacking: Our salon is located at

    15/35 Riccarton Road

    situated in a serene location within walking distance from Hagley Park, one of Christchurch's landmarks. We have carefully chosen this location to provide our visitors with a private space where they can truly relax. We can't wait for you to experience the massage on our fully reclining shampoo chairs, which are imported directly from Japan and designed to provide the utmost relaxation. We will continue to provide updates, and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement.
    CEO Hase

      Anonymous pledger
      29/04/2024 at 11:24pm
      Anonymous pledger
      29/04/2024 at 11:23pm
      Anonymous pledger
      29/04/2024 at 11:22pm
      25/04/2024 at 7:13pm


      Kenta Uchida
      23/04/2024 at 8:31pm

      "こんにちは、竜士さん。ときさんから、クラウドファンディングに挑戦されていることを聞きました。挑戦的だけど人の健康に関する大切な内容で、今後の成果も楽しみなので、ぜひとも応援したいと思いました。ささやかではありますが、支援をさせて下さい。今後も応援しています。 健太"

      Naoki kawabata
      18/04/2024 at 10:29am

      "応援してます!頑張ってください! 川端"

      andrew thana
      14/04/2024 at 10:28pm
      14/04/2024 at 9:45pm
      Daiki Hirano
      14/04/2024 at 6:07pm

      "事業うまくいくこと祈ってます!!! また茶しばきましょ!"

      Anonymous pledger
      14/04/2024 at 4:08pm
      Anonymous pledger
      14/04/2024 at 4:02pm
      11/04/2024 at 8:50am


      Kotaro Kishimoto
      09/04/2024 at 11:13pm
      04/04/2024 at 3:54pm


      Anonymous pledger
      03/04/2024 at 11:12am
      02/04/2024 at 10:11am


      Anonymous pledger
      01/04/2024 at 2:10am
      田沼 美華
      31/03/2024 at 10:10pm
      Masayuki Ito
      31/03/2024 at 3:40pm

      "Kia Ora Hase-san, I support your fantastic and impactful project and appreciate your aspiration and philanthropic efforts to empower humanity."

      Anonymous pledger
      29/03/2024 at 12:52pm

      "ささやかですが応援しています! いつもありがとうございます。 ヘイスさんのスキルアップによってFaviewもとっても助かるので引き続きよろしくお願いいたします!!"

      Kosei Oikawa
      26/03/2024 at 1:13pm


      Anonymous pledger
      26/03/2024 at 1:11pm
      Jason Chin
      23/03/2024 at 9:04pm
      Jason Chin
      23/03/2024 at 9:00pm
      Risa Dyer
      21/03/2024 at 5:22pm
      17/03/2024 at 5:50pm

      "Good luck Hase! I am very excited for your new business venture and I think its a great idea!"

      Jacky Laverty
      15/03/2024 at 10:29am

      "Sounds absolutely amazing! Looking forward to my course. Can you let me know please, though, in which location you will open your salon? X"

      Mika Takagi
      13/03/2024 at 7:52pm


      Jon Barlow
      13/03/2024 at 12:30am

      "Good luck!"

      Anonymous pledger
      12/03/2024 at 10:54pm

      Followers of SERENDIPITY+

      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 15/05/2024 at 12:00 AM.
      Supporting Me!
      Blissful Head Oasis (Scalp Cleansing Massage)
      Scalp Cleansing Head Spa + Haircut (For Men)
      Treatment Head Spa + Haircut (For Women)
      Scalp Revitalisation Intensive Course