Transforming mental health care through people power


NZ $12,416 pledged

47 people pledged


NZ $28,000 minimum target

44 44% Complete

This campaign failed to reach its target by 10/05/2023 at 11:00 AM (NZST) and is now closed.

Make a Pledge


Transforming Mental Health Care Through People Power

Project 2023-02-27 20:23:04 +1300


Our mental health services are in crisis and demand is escalating. We urgently need new therapies and new ways of proving what works, and what doesn't.

This project introduces a breakthrough therapy called Havening Techniques, based on the neuroscience of how trauma is stored in the brain, and how it can be rapidly erased. Pioneering counsellors, psychologists and doctors in New Zealand are saying that clients can rapidly heal themselves of conditions like anxiety, depression, and traumatic memories (view their compelling testimony here).

We believe that many people could be easily relieved of their mental health problems, instead of having a lifetime of difficulties. The burden of demand on the acute mental health services could be greatly reduced. We can train new Havening Practitioners quickly. What we need is public funding directed to training and funding the new services.

How can we persuade mainstream health services to adopt this new therapy?

The people seeking care should be given the power to say what therapies really work and what should be funded.

This project uses an innovative app to directly measure the changes in the lives of the people we are trying to help. All future Havening clients can use the app for free. We can gather anonymous data from thousands of participants and quickly accumulate the evidence in support of Havening. We believe that if Havening is adopted widely, it could transform mental health care in NZ.

A survey of Havening clients (79 respondents) showed that 87% would be willing to use a secure app to track their improvements in mental wellbeing.

Two of the team are doctors who have given up their medical careers to work as Havening practitioners full time. That's how much we believe in the potential of Havening.

Why is this project important?

While poverty, stress and lifestyle factors have an impact on mental health, the most significant underlying cause of mental distress is emotional trauma. Adverse childhood events (ACE) dramatically increase the lifetime risk of smoking, alcoholism, chronic lung disease, depression, suicide, violence, broken marriages, autoimmune diseases and many other conditions. Traumatic events in adult life add to the burden.  Unfortunately, many mental health therapies only treat symptoms, not underlying causes.

Havening Techniques erase the traces of trauma in the brain. Clients no longer have the triggers that cause negative feelings, inescapable stress, overeating, addictions and many physical complaints. When the underlying trauma is healed, then conditions like depression and anxiety can simply melt away. Clients are left resilient and much more able to deal with life stresses. Havening has many applications in chronic physical illness because the underlying cause is inescapable stress caused by trauma.

Havening also represents a paradigm shift. Instead of the medical model where the doctor treats the passive patient (who is made powerless), Havening is activating an innate healing mechanism. The people seeking help are healing themselves, through the guidance of a practitioner. The work complements the social model, which empowers the client to access and use their strengths. This is simple, kind, gentle, deeply compassionate medicine.

What will the project fund?

At this stage, we are just asking for pledges of support. No money will be collected unless we reach our target by 10th May, and the project is assured.

When fully funded, we will work with the team at Quantified Citizen to design, build, test and launch the app for the study. Free training will be provided to Havening Practitioners who wish to enroll their clients in the study. The team will provide technical support for the duration of the project. A secure online portal will give us access to the anonymous data for analysis. We have a signed Letter of Intention with an agreed budget. Remaining funds will support the work done by the NZ team, in planning, developing and running the app and the project. All the work so far has been gifted. Data collection will be supported for six months.

We believe that the collected data will prove that Havening is a highly effective therapy to address mental health problems. We can be certain of the outcomes because we are measuring real-life benefits in a wide variety of people with different mental health struggles. We can use this data to advocate for public funding for Havening training and practice.

The data can be formally analysed by an independent researcher and published in peer review scientific journals. We can apply for research grants to support this independent analysis. Previous studies using the Quantified Citizen platform have been published in Nature Scientific Reports (publication 1, publication 2).

If we raise more than our target, we will extend the period of the study and further develop the app. An exciting possibility is to fund a version of the app within kaupapa Maori, partnering with Maori mental health researchers to develop an appropriate set of outcome measures.

An innovative way of measuring outcomes

Havening can work very rapidly, in some instances transforming a client in a single session, for instance by erasing a horrible trauma such as a sexual assault. In other cases there is a step-by-step improvement in outcomes. This project allows us to track these real-life changes in individual clients by gathering data through the use of the Quantified Citizen App. Clients enrol in the app and give daily feedback on their symptoms and level of wellbeing. We can also measure physiological changes in those who use wearable devices like Apple Watch or Fitbit, and administer standardised measures for anxiety, depression, mood, and mental wellbeing. These changes in outcomes can be correlated with the timing of the Havening therapy.

People with mental health struggles can be vulnerable and we want to keep everyone safe. Interaction with the app is completely anonymous and there is no record of name, email, phone number or other personal identifiers. However, we can analyse the combined data to show the average change in outcomes, related to the use of Havening.

The funds raised will allow us to design and launch our own version of the app, which will be listed on the Quantifiable Citizen website and available on app stores. The project team will choose the mental health assessments, outcomes measures, and client prompts to get the best outcome data. We can access the combined data through a secure online portal and analyse it for results.

Why this method may be better than clinical research trials

Historically, the only therapies approved for funding in the public health service are those deemed to be 'evidence-based', relying on data from clinical trails. The problem is that research results may not correlate well with real-life outcomes in individual people. Typically, the research protocols and outcome measures are defined by doctors, not the patients. They are structured to get a 'result' for the researchers, which may not correlate with real-life benefit in patients. Many of the trials are funded by pharmaceutical corporations, who have a profit motive. There is widespread evidence that pharmaceutical corporations have corrupted trial data, hidden negative trial results, and concealed evidence of harm.

One of the commonest treatments for mental health is an antidepressant drug. Doctors prescribe this medication believing it will help their patients, based on summaries of research evidence. We are not against antidepressants, which may be lifesaving in some patients. However, we want to ensure that a widely prescribed treatment is actually effective.

Research investigators suspected that the evidence was biased because many of the clinical trails of antidepressants were never published (those that showed no benefit, or actual harm). So investigators obtained the raw data on every single trial of antidepressants notified to the US Food and Drug Adminstration between 1979 and 2016 - there were 232. Their systematic review published in 2021 in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) shockingly showed that only 15% of patient received a benefit significantly greater than placebo. (Placebo is a fake pill, containing no active ingredient. In a randomised, controlled trial, half the patients get a real pill containing the medication, half get an identical fake pill. The outcomes of the two groups are compared. If the medication doesn't work, both groups will get the same result).

While 6 out of 7 patients may not get significant benefit from the antidepressant medication, many will be harmed by serious side effects and/or withdrawal effects. Furthermore, clinical trails of antidepressants typically measure outcomes over a limited time period, such as eight week. However, there is evidence that longterm outcomes for depression are made worse by taking antidepressants.

Given the lack of benefit and evidence of potential harm, it's concerning that antidepressant prescriptions in young people in NZ have increased 40% in the last decade.

We share this data simply to illustrate the flaws in relying on clinical research trials - and that applies to many other medical treatments. We say, the only way to substantially improve our mental health services is to routinely measure the outcomes, in real life, in the people we are trying to help. We think this should be a gold standard for any mental health treatment.

Using an app, we can rapidly accumulate evidence from large number of participants and obtain robust outcome data in much less time than conventional clinical trials. The biggest project running on the Quantified Citizen platform has over 20,000 enrolled subjects.

The team behind this project

We have a high-powered team of mental health professionals and doctors who will help with the study design and oversee the project.

The project Director is Dr Robin Youngson. He is a former anaesthetic specialist and health leader now working full time as a trauma therapist using Havening Techniques. He is a Certified Havening Practitioner and Trainer. Robin has been an advisor to the NZ Government and the WHO on healthcare quality and patient safety. He is internationally renowned for his leadership on compassionate healthcare. In 2016, the NZ Medical Association gave Dr Youngson their highest award, "for outstanding contribution to the health of New Zealand".
Lenna Brindley-Richards is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working in the NZ public health services. She is also a Certified Havening Practitioner and enthusiastic advocate for Havening.
Dr Kamaia Pere is a medical doctor and Certified Havening Practitioner in Northland. She is excited about the potential of Havening to address the trauma of colonisation.
Robby van Dijk is an Alcohol (and other) Drug AOD Practitioner in Northland, and a Certified Havening Practitioner, using Havening to accelerate the relief from addiction.
Clare Barnett is a nurse and midwife with a Masters in Counselling. She is the Mindcare Counselling and Training Director, and a Certified Havening Practitioner. Havening is becoming her first line approach for many clients.
NIcola Hensley is a counsellor, mental health, abuse and trauma, and a Havening Trainee. She is amazed at the changes she sees in clients with Havening.
Chloe Waretini is a Certified Havening Practitioner, social innovator, and project leader of a very successful fundraising campaign on PlegdeMe.

What organisation is running the project?

The project will be coordinated by the Neuroscience of Healing Clinic, directed by Dr Youngson. Dr Youngson has personally trained all the project team members, in Havening practice. He has conducted his own research into Havening outcomes, for instance this study of 30 mothers with PTSD as a result of severe childbirth trauma. He found that 80% of clients were relieved of their symptoms of PTSD with just one session of Havening.

Dr Youngson began his career as an engineer, before starting medicine, and he has good knowledge of online systems and data analysis. He also has extensive national and international networks in the healthcare world, which can support this project.

Learn more about Havening Techniques

Havening Techniques were developed by a medical doctor and PhD researcher in the USA, Dr Ronald Ruden. He has uncovered the detailed neuro-anatomy and molecular mechanisms that allow trauma to be stored in a part of the brain called the Amygdala. In the course of his research, he found that the molecular mechanism in the nerve cells could be set in reverse, to completely erase a trauma within 15 to 20 minutes. He describes all these findings, and the Havening techniques in the Science Direct journal. Havening is a 'psycho-sensory' technique that uses highly specific forms of touch to alter brain waves and trigger the healing mechanism in the Amygdala.

For a vivid demonstration of the power of Havening, see this brief video of a client being rapidly relieved of the trauma of an armed hold-up.

A number of small research trials of Havening are already published. The researchers speak of the many barriers they faced in trying to advance this research within the mainstream clinical research system.

This study (2020) showed that one session of Havening was sufficient to relieve the signs of Type D personality, which is associated with high risk of mental illness and chronic physical disease. The study also demonstrated sigificant and prolonged reductions in cortisol (stress hormone) and blood pressure after Havening.

This study (2022) confirmed that Havening Touch led to a reduction of emotional distress linked to a traumatic event, greater than placebo. It also showed associated changes in brain waves.

This study (2015) showed a reduction in anxiety and depression after a single session of Havening.


Updates 2

So touched by your support for our campaign

08/05/2023 at 10:42 AM

Dear Supporter

Thank you so much for believing in our work and offering generous support. Nearly 50 people have pledged over $11,000, which tells us that many people like you agree that we need to bring new healing methods into mental health care, and put the power back in the hands of people. Also, so many people in the Havening world offered amazing rewards to give thanks to those who were willing to donate to the campaign. We are grateful for their enthusiasm and generosity.

I am touched by the backing of my local community of Raglan, where both the Raglan Community Radio and the 'Raglan Rag' - our local magazine - featured our campaign. One lovely result of that coverage is that other therapists have reached out to us, wanting to be part of an inspiring future for mental health care. Over time, we will combine our knowledge, wisdom and talents and find better ways to support our communities.

My colleagues and I continue to see remarkable results using Havening in our work. I was pleased that a support agency for foster families approved funding for my Havening work with a troubled young boy and his foster family. Even after the first session, they noticed that family tension had eased and the emotional outbursts were fewer.

Next week I am co-hosting a five-day healing retreat for mental health professionals in which we also take a deep dive into the theory and practice of Havening, an expanded form of the training program. When health professionals are given the chance to heal their own wounds, their capacity to guide clients on their journey of healing is greatly enhanced.

At this stage it seems unlikely that we will meet our funding target and therefore we will not collect the money that has been pledged. That was our promise to you, we would not spend your money unless were fully funded and could ensure the success of the project. Thank you again for your very generous pledges and words of encouragement.

Many people have offered us advice on marketing, promoting the campaign, and various other ways to 'persuade' people to offer pledges. I have resisted these strategies. Either the time was right and our project would inspire lots of people to come on board - needing no persuasion - or we are ahead of our time and we need to be patient. No sustainable change ever resulted from marketing or persuasion; I have found that to be true in many spheres of life.

The fact that we got nearly half-way to our goal shows us there is substantial support for innovation in mental health care, and many people believe in what we are trying to achieve. When the time is right, we will have the opportunity to launch this project. It might take just one person, who has the financial resources, to see a loved one truly have their life transformed by Havening and decide to fund our work? Maybe that can happen in the next couple of days? I have learned that when one commits to good purpose, the resources will appear from unexpected directions.

In the meantime, if you want to try Havening for yourself you can find Certified Practitioners worldwide by searching here. There are already more than 60 certified Havening practitioners in NZ and many more students are in training. Havening is also a powerful self-therapy. I have many simple, guided, self-Havening resources on YouTube, which are very popular. Judging by the hundreds of comments, many people find the process beneficial.

With warm best wishes,

Robin Youngson

Wow! We are blown away by the support so far

19/04/2023 at 6:21 PM

Some people have been incredibly generous in the pledges they have made and we are almost up to $8,000 already. Thank you everyone for your support - it is so appreciated.

We were touched by the story of 'an old man in a shed' - who has his own history of trauma and struggle - who donated his precious silver coin collection for auction. We raised $2,310 on the TradeMe auction, which was a big boost to our funds. Thank you so much! You know who you are.

Another of our supporters alerted us to a group called Victim Focus that is taking a trauma-informed approach to care. Like us in the Havening World, they want to do away with all the diagnostic labels used in mental health (which have little scientific basis) and instead seek to understand how trauma affects people. Their new publication is the "Indicative Trauma Impact Manual" which is "the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind, designed to indicate, respond to, and understand every kind of human trauma and emotion. Building on decades of research, case studies, and evidence published by practitioners, academics, and scholars in the field, the ITIM equips progressive professionals with evidence-based, anti-oppressive, anti-blaming and non-diagnostic information about a wide range of human emotion, thought, and behaviour."

We are excited to see these developments, which will futher inform Havening care. Havening can rapidly erase traumatic memories and then the symptoms catalogued in this manual can resolve.

Please help us maintain momentum towards our goal by sharing the campaign in your networks of friends and colleagues. Everyone likes to be part of a success story!

Kind regards

Robin Youngson, Project Leader


    Pledgers 47

    Yolanda Kirkbeck
    14/04/2023 at 9:13am

    "Havening should be a part of all Mental and Emotional Healing and Treatments."

    14/04/2023 at 7:46am

    "This donation is from "An old man in a shed", in Australia. His donated silver coin set was auctioned and funds put to this campaign."

    13/04/2023 at 3:40pm

    "A very worthy cause "

    Silmara Scholtz
    13/04/2023 at 3:32pm
    Anonymous pledger
    13/04/2023 at 12:41pm

    "Havening has changed my life. Everyone deserves to heal from trauma."

    puck murphy
    13/04/2023 at 11:05am
    Anonymous pledger
    13/04/2023 at 10:20am
    Anonymous pledger
    13/04/2023 at 10:17am
    Anonymous pledger
    13/04/2023 at 9:24am
    Tanya Williams
    13/04/2023 at 8:31am
    Anonymous pledger
    11/04/2023 at 1:30pm
    David Hanna
    10/04/2023 at 9:16pm
    Anonymous pledger
    10/04/2023 at 6:52pm
    Parabola West
    08/04/2023 at 4:45pm

    "Envisioning great success and achievement of your goal! Much love from David & Amy"

    Latesha Randall
    08/04/2023 at 3:49pm

    "It's lovely what you're doing to help people. All the best for the campaign. "

    Frances Kleinhans
    07/04/2023 at 7:34pm

    "Very happy to make a pledge for a project which has the potential to change people's lives."

    James Freeheart
    03/04/2023 at 7:11pm

    "Great project, happy to support!"


    Followers of Transforming mental health care through people power

    Transforming Mental Health Care Through People Power

    Project 2023-02-27 20:23:04 +1300


    Our mental health services are in crisis and demand is escalating. We urgently need new therapies and new ways of proving what works, and what doesn't.

    This project introduces a breakthrough therapy called Havening Techniques, based on the neuroscience of how trauma is stored in the brain, and how it can be rapidly erased. Pioneering counsellors, psychologists and doctors in New Zealand are saying that clients can rapidly heal themselves of conditions like anxiety, depression, and traumatic memories (view their compelling testimony here).

    We believe that many people could be easily relieved of their mental health problems, instead of having a lifetime of difficulties. The burden of demand on the acute mental health services could be greatly reduced. We can train new Havening Practitioners quickly. What we need is public funding directed to training and funding the new services.

    How can we persuade mainstream health services to adopt this new therapy?

    The people seeking care should be given the power to say what therapies really work and what should be funded.

    This project uses an innovative app to directly measure the changes in the lives of the people we are trying to help. All future Havening clients can use the app for free. We can gather anonymous data from thousands of participants and quickly accumulate the evidence in support of Havening. We believe that if Havening is adopted widely, it could transform mental health care in NZ.

    A survey of Havening clients (79 respondents) showed that 87% would be willing to use a secure app to track their improvements in mental wellbeing.

    Two of the team are doctors who have given up their medical careers to work as Havening practitioners full time. That's how much we believe in the potential of Havening.

    Why is this project important?

    While poverty, stress and lifestyle factors have an impact on mental health, the most significant underlying cause of mental distress is emotional trauma. Adverse childhood events (ACE) dramatically increase the lifetime risk of smoking, alcoholism, chronic lung disease, depression, suicide, violence, broken marriages, autoimmune diseases and many other conditions. Traumatic events in adult life add to the burden.  Unfortunately, many mental health therapies only treat symptoms, not underlying causes.

    Havening Techniques erase the traces of trauma in the brain. Clients no longer have the triggers that cause negative feelings, inescapable stress, overeating, addictions and many physical complaints. When the underlying trauma is healed, then conditions like depression and anxiety can simply melt away. Clients are left resilient and much more able to deal with life stresses. Havening has many applications in chronic physical illness because the underlying cause is inescapable stress caused by trauma.

    Havening also represents a paradigm shift. Instead of the medical model where the doctor treats the passive patient (who is made powerless), Havening is activating an innate healing mechanism. The people seeking help are healing themselves, through the guidance of a practitioner. The work complements the social model, which empowers the client to access and use their strengths. This is simple, kind, gentle, deeply compassionate medicine.

    What will the project fund?

    At this stage, we are just asking for pledges of support. No money will be collected unless we reach our target by 10th May, and the project is assured.

    When fully funded, we will work with the team at Quantified Citizen to design, build, test and launch the app for the study. Free training will be provided to Havening Practitioners who wish to enroll their clients in the study. The team will provide technical support for the duration of the project. A secure online portal will give us access to the anonymous data for analysis. We have a signed Letter of Intention with an agreed budget. Remaining funds will support the work done by the NZ team, in planning, developing and running the app and the project. All the work so far has been gifted. Data collection will be supported for six months.

    We believe that the collected data will prove that Havening is a highly effective therapy to address mental health problems. We can be certain of the outcomes because we are measuring real-life benefits in a wide variety of people with different mental health struggles. We can use this data to advocate for public funding for Havening training and practice.

    The data can be formally analysed by an independent researcher and published in peer review scientific journals. We can apply for research grants to support this independent analysis. Previous studies using the Quantified Citizen platform have been published in Nature Scientific Reports (publication 1, publication 2).

    If we raise more than our target, we will extend the period of the study and further develop the app. An exciting possibility is to fund a version of the app within kaupapa Maori, partnering with Maori mental health researchers to develop an appropriate set of outcome measures.

    An innovative way of measuring outcomes

    Havening can work very rapidly, in some instances transforming a client in a single session, for instance by erasing a horrible trauma such as a sexual assault. In other cases there is a step-by-step improvement in outcomes. This project allows us to track these real-life changes in individual clients by gathering data through the use of the Quantified Citizen App. Clients enrol in the app and give daily feedback on their symptoms and level of wellbeing. We can also measure physiological changes in those who use wearable devices like Apple Watch or Fitbit, and administer standardised measures for anxiety, depression, mood, and mental wellbeing. These changes in outcomes can be correlated with the timing of the Havening therapy.

    People with mental health struggles can be vulnerable and we want to keep everyone safe. Interaction with the app is completely anonymous and there is no record of name, email, phone number or other personal identifiers. However, we can analyse the combined data to show the average change in outcomes, related to the use of Havening.

    The funds raised will allow us to design and launch our own version of the app, which will be listed on the Quantifiable Citizen website and available on app stores. The project team will choose the mental health assessments, outcomes measures, and client prompts to get the best outcome data. We can access the combined data through a secure online portal and analyse it for results.

    Why this method may be better than clinical research trials

    Historically, the only therapies approved for funding in the public health service are those deemed to be 'evidence-based', relying on data from clinical trails. The problem is that research results may not correlate well with real-life outcomes in individual people. Typically, the research protocols and outcome measures are defined by doctors, not the patients. They are structured to get a 'result' for the researchers, which may not correlate with real-life benefit in patients. Many of the trials are funded by pharmaceutical corporations, who have a profit motive. There is widespread evidence that pharmaceutical corporations have corrupted trial data, hidden negative trial results, and concealed evidence of harm.

    One of the commonest treatments for mental health is an antidepressant drug. Doctors prescribe this medication believing it will help their patients, based on summaries of research evidence. We are not against antidepressants, which may be lifesaving in some patients. However, we want to ensure that a widely prescribed treatment is actually effective.

    Research investigators suspected that the evidence was biased because many of the clinical trails of antidepressants were never published (those that showed no benefit, or actual harm). So investigators obtained the raw data on every single trial of antidepressants notified to the US Food and Drug Adminstration between 1979 and 2016 - there were 232. Their systematic review published in 2021 in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) shockingly showed that only 15% of patient received a benefit significantly greater than placebo. (Placebo is a fake pill, containing no active ingredient. In a randomised, controlled trial, half the patients get a real pill containing the medication, half get an identical fake pill. The outcomes of the two groups are compared. If the medication doesn't work, both groups will get the same result).

    While 6 out of 7 patients may not get significant benefit from the antidepressant medication, many will be harmed by serious side effects and/or withdrawal effects. Furthermore, clinical trails of antidepressants typically measure outcomes over a limited time period, such as eight week. However, there is evidence that longterm outcomes for depression are made worse by taking antidepressants.

    Given the lack of benefit and evidence of potential harm, it's concerning that antidepressant prescriptions in young people in NZ have increased 40% in the last decade.

    We share this data simply to illustrate the flaws in relying on clinical research trials - and that applies to many other medical treatments. We say, the only way to substantially improve our mental health services is to routinely measure the outcomes, in real life, in the people we are trying to help. We think this should be a gold standard for any mental health treatment.

    Using an app, we can rapidly accumulate evidence from large number of participants and obtain robust outcome data in much less time than conventional clinical trials. The biggest project running on the Quantified Citizen platform has over 20,000 enrolled subjects.

    The team behind this project

    We have a high-powered team of mental health professionals and doctors who will help with the study design and oversee the project.

    The project Director is Dr Robin Youngson. He is a former anaesthetic specialist and health leader now working full time as a trauma therapist using Havening Techniques. He is a Certified Havening Practitioner and Trainer. Robin has been an advisor to the NZ Government and the WHO on healthcare quality and patient safety. He is internationally renowned for his leadership on compassionate healthcare. In 2016, the NZ Medical Association gave Dr Youngson their highest award, "for outstanding contribution to the health of New Zealand".
    Lenna Brindley-Richards is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist working in the NZ public health services. She is also a Certified Havening Practitioner and enthusiastic advocate for Havening.
    Dr Kamaia Pere is a medical doctor and Certified Havening Practitioner in Northland. She is excited about the potential of Havening to address the trauma of colonisation.
    Robby van Dijk is an Alcohol (and other) Drug AOD Practitioner in Northland, and a Certified Havening Practitioner, using Havening to accelerate the relief from addiction.
    Clare Barnett is a nurse and midwife with a Masters in Counselling. She is the Mindcare Counselling and Training Director, and a Certified Havening Practitioner. Havening is becoming her first line approach for many clients.
    NIcola Hensley is a counsellor, mental health, abuse and trauma, and a Havening Trainee. She is amazed at the changes she sees in clients with Havening.
    Chloe Waretini is a Certified Havening Practitioner, social innovator, and project leader of a very successful fundraising campaign on PlegdeMe.

    What organisation is running the project?

    The project will be coordinated by the Neuroscience of Healing Clinic, directed by Dr Youngson. Dr Youngson has personally trained all the project team members, in Havening practice. He has conducted his own research into Havening outcomes, for instance this study of 30 mothers with PTSD as a result of severe childbirth trauma. He found that 80% of clients were relieved of their symptoms of PTSD with just one session of Havening.

    Dr Youngson began his career as an engineer, before starting medicine, and he has good knowledge of online systems and data analysis. He also has extensive national and international networks in the healthcare world, which can support this project.

    Learn more about Havening Techniques

    Havening Techniques were developed by a medical doctor and PhD researcher in the USA, Dr Ronald Ruden. He has uncovered the detailed neuro-anatomy and molecular mechanisms that allow trauma to be stored in a part of the brain called the Amygdala. In the course of his research, he found that the molecular mechanism in the nerve cells could be set in reverse, to completely erase a trauma within 15 to 20 minutes. He describes all these findings, and the Havening techniques in the Science Direct journal. Havening is a 'psycho-sensory' technique that uses highly specific forms of touch to alter brain waves and trigger the healing mechanism in the Amygdala.

    For a vivid demonstration of the power of Havening, see this brief video of a client being rapidly relieved of the trauma of an armed hold-up.

    A number of small research trials of Havening are already published. The researchers speak of the many barriers they faced in trying to advance this research within the mainstream clinical research system.

    This study (2020) showed that one session of Havening was sufficient to relieve the signs of Type D personality, which is associated with high risk of mental illness and chronic physical disease. The study also demonstrated sigificant and prolonged reductions in cortisol (stress hormone) and blood pressure after Havening.

    This study (2022) confirmed that Havening Touch led to a reduction of emotional distress linked to a traumatic event, greater than placebo. It also showed associated changes in brain waves.

    This study (2015) showed a reduction in anxiety and depression after a single session of Havening.


    So touched by your support for our campaign

    08/05/2023 at 10:42 AM

    Dear Supporter

    Thank you so much for believing in our work and offering generous support. Nearly 50 people have pledged over $11,000, which tells us that many people like you agree that we need to bring new healing methods into mental health care, and put the power back in the hands of people. Also, so many people in the Havening world offered amazing rewards to give thanks to those who were willing to donate to the campaign. We are grateful for their enthusiasm and generosity.

    I am touched by the backing of my local community of Raglan, where both the Raglan Community Radio and the 'Raglan Rag' - our local magazine - featured our campaign. One lovely result of that coverage is that other therapists have reached out to us, wanting to be part of an inspiring future for mental health care. Over time, we will combine our knowledge, wisdom and talents and find better ways to support our communities.

    My colleagues and I continue to see remarkable results using Havening in our work. I was pleased that a support agency for foster families approved funding for my Havening work with a troubled young boy and his foster family. Even after the first session, they noticed that family tension had eased and the emotional outbursts were fewer.

    Next week I am co-hosting a five-day healing retreat for mental health professionals in which we also take a deep dive into the theory and practice of Havening, an expanded form of the training program. When health professionals are given the chance to heal their own wounds, their capacity to guide clients on their journey of healing is greatly enhanced.

    At this stage it seems unlikely that we will meet our funding target and therefore we will not collect the money that has been pledged. That was our promise to you, we would not spend your money unless were fully funded and could ensure the success of the project. Thank you again for your very generous pledges and words of encouragement.

    Many people have offered us advice on marketing, promoting the campaign, and various other ways to 'persuade' people to offer pledges. I have resisted these strategies. Either the time was right and our project would inspire lots of people to come on board - needing no persuasion - or we are ahead of our time and we need to be patient. No sustainable change ever resulted from marketing or persuasion; I have found that to be true in many spheres of life.

    The fact that we got nearly half-way to our goal shows us there is substantial support for innovation in mental health care, and many people believe in what we are trying to achieve. When the time is right, we will have the opportunity to launch this project. It might take just one person, who has the financial resources, to see a loved one truly have their life transformed by Havening and decide to fund our work? Maybe that can happen in the next couple of days? I have learned that when one commits to good purpose, the resources will appear from unexpected directions.

    In the meantime, if you want to try Havening for yourself you can find Certified Practitioners worldwide by searching here. There are already more than 60 certified Havening practitioners in NZ and many more students are in training. Havening is also a powerful self-therapy. I have many simple, guided, self-Havening resources on YouTube, which are very popular. Judging by the hundreds of comments, many people find the process beneficial.

    With warm best wishes,

    Robin Youngson

    Wow! We are blown away by the support so far

    19/04/2023 at 6:21 PM

    Some people have been incredibly generous in the pledges they have made and we are almost up to $8,000 already. Thank you everyone for your support - it is so appreciated.

    We were touched by the story of 'an old man in a shed' - who has his own history of trauma and struggle - who donated his precious silver coin collection for auction. We raised $2,310 on the TradeMe auction, which was a big boost to our funds. Thank you so much! You know who you are.

    Another of our supporters alerted us to a group called Victim Focus that is taking a trauma-informed approach to care. Like us in the Havening World, they want to do away with all the diagnostic labels used in mental health (which have little scientific basis) and instead seek to understand how trauma affects people. Their new publication is the "Indicative Trauma Impact Manual" which is "the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind, designed to indicate, respond to, and understand every kind of human trauma and emotion. Building on decades of research, case studies, and evidence published by practitioners, academics, and scholars in the field, the ITIM equips progressive professionals with evidence-based, anti-oppressive, anti-blaming and non-diagnostic information about a wide range of human emotion, thought, and behaviour."

    We are excited to see these developments, which will futher inform Havening care. Havening can rapidly erase traumatic memories and then the symptoms catalogued in this manual can resolve.

    Please help us maintain momentum towards our goal by sharing the campaign in your networks of friends and colleagues. Everyone likes to be part of a success story!

    Kind regards

    Robin Youngson, Project Leader


      Yolanda Kirkbeck
      14/04/2023 at 9:13am

      "Havening should be a part of all Mental and Emotional Healing and Treatments."

      14/04/2023 at 7:46am

      "This donation is from "An old man in a shed", in Australia. His donated silver coin set was auctioned and funds put to this campaign."

      13/04/2023 at 3:40pm

      "A very worthy cause "

      Silmara Scholtz
      13/04/2023 at 3:32pm
      Anonymous pledger
      13/04/2023 at 12:41pm

      "Havening has changed my life. Everyone deserves to heal from trauma."

      puck murphy
      13/04/2023 at 11:05am
      Anonymous pledger
      13/04/2023 at 10:20am
      Anonymous pledger
      13/04/2023 at 10:17am
      Anonymous pledger
      13/04/2023 at 9:24am
      Tanya Williams
      13/04/2023 at 8:31am
      Anonymous pledger
      11/04/2023 at 1:30pm
      David Hanna
      10/04/2023 at 9:16pm
      Anonymous pledger
      10/04/2023 at 6:52pm
      Parabola West
      08/04/2023 at 4:45pm

      "Envisioning great success and achievement of your goal! Much love from David & Amy"

      Latesha Randall
      08/04/2023 at 3:49pm

      "It's lovely what you're doing to help people. All the best for the campaign. "

      Frances Kleinhans
      07/04/2023 at 7:34pm

      "Very happy to make a pledge for a project which has the potential to change people's lives."

      James Freeheart
      03/04/2023 at 7:11pm

      "Great project, happy to support!"

      Followers of Transforming mental health care through people power

      This campaign was unsuccessful and finished on 10/05/2023 at 11:00 AM.
      Dr Youngson's New Book, "TIME TO HEAL"
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      A Havening Therapy Session With A Havening Student
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      2-Hour Online Zoom Seminar On Havening
      One Hour, Havening Therapy Session
      How Compassion Can Sustain And Protect You - Online Course For Health Professionals
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      Nature Photography On Canvas Print
      My Food Bag Fresh Start - 5 Nights Meals For One
      Havening Science Online Course
      "Reclaim Yourself" - Online Course
      Art Print - "Above Flaxmill Bay"
      Comprehensive Package To Treat Childbirth Trauma
      Named Sponsor