Will Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion see one more summer? You decide.

By Gap Filler

NZ $82,146 pledged

879 people pledged


NZ $80,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 29/06/2013 at 12:38 AM.

Make a Pledge


Will Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion See One More Summer? You Decide.

Project 2013-05-08 20:57:49 +1200

Gap Filler is a post-quake initiative activating vacant sites in Christchurch (NZ) with temporary, creative projects for community benefit. 

There’s no easy way to say it but we need to raise $80,000 to keep the Pallet Pavilion standing for one more year.  

(Murray Irwin, 2012)

Eek you say, that’s a lot!  And we agree, it is a lot, but it’s not impossible and who doesn’t like to be part of an exciting challenge? 

Our friends at PledgeMe said that the amount of money we need to raise has never been done before on their site, which we thought was a challenge we couldn’t refuse.  As with everything we do, we like to share, so we are sharing our challenge with everyone, and by everyone we mean YOU!

We are the people that brought monopoly to the streets of Christchurch, got people on their bikes to power their outdoor movie experience, got Prince Charles to boogie on an ex-demolition site and made all your mini-golf dreams come true when we set up a free course that takes you through our flattened city centre.

We at Gap Filler like to find a gap of nothingness (there are a few of those in Christchurch) and use it to bring new ideas to life. We experiment, activate, involve and engage the public with our temporary, creative interventions on vacant sites.

And that’s how 250 volunteers turned 3,000 blue, wooden pallets into a pavilion for the Summer of 2012/13.  It was so good that about 25,000 people came to spend some time in it over our lovely summer.  Then when it came time to bring it down, everyone said NO!!!!

We love it when the people speak.  We listened.  Then we got out our calculators and worked out that to keep our pavilion for one more year it would cost more than we have in our account.  Still, we’re all about making something out of nothing and we love a good challenge.

According to our sums, if you divide $80,000 by 3,000 (that’s how many pallets we have) it’s about $30 to keep a pallet where it is for one more year.  And by keeping every pallet where it is we get to keep a whole building to use for all manner of fun and exciting things.

We think we know 3,000 people who could give $30, after all that’s the cost of:

·  2 coffees and 2 sandwiches at your local coffee shop

·  4 AAA rechargeable batteries

·  1 ticket to the cinema and a bag of Maltesers

And you get to have your name painted on the pallet you sponsor too!

We even thought maybe we’d know a few hundred people who could give twice that much, because $60 is only the cost of:

·  1 bottle of average champagne

·  A toilet seat

·  1 coach ticket from Christchurch to Dunedin

You could have your very own copy of this cool print by Johnny Knopp for $60!

During one of our more ambitious crisis meetings, we thought there might be a few people who would like to support a dozen pallets or a line of them or even a whole wall!  Then the adding up got big and our heads were hurting, so we’ve rounded up the big numbers and created some sweet rewards to say thank you.

Here’s our challenge to you – let’s make PledgeMe history and raise $80,000 together.  Think big, think bold, think blue (because that’s what colour our pallets are).  And if you do make our mission possible then we shall see you in the pavilion for a drink and a cuddle sometime soon….oh and we have some other thank you gifts for you to choose from over there, to your right…

If you are a company and would like to become a Pallet Pavilion sponsor, please contact [email protected] and she can tell you all about it.

Note. Because it costs to run the campaign, we actually need to raise almost $90,000 to get $80,000 in our bank account so we're hoping to blow the target!

The $80 000 we need will go towards: security (which is required as part of our building consent; pallets are seen as an arson risk), power, toilet hire and cleaning, maintenance and a contribution towards someone to programme the space.

We are already grateful to those who are supporting this campaign:

Anita Parris for her beautiful jewellery, www.neetthings.wordpress.com


Updates 14

City Ups

08/10/2014 at 5:08 PM

Hey Pallet Pavilion and transitional architeture fans, long time no write. The Pallet Pavilion has gone from The Commons, with all the pallets going back to CHEP and the majority of the other components going on to support other local projects in ChCh (plants, cables, tables/crates, alarms etc). 

We at Gap Filler are tremendously supportive of the Festival of Transitional Architecture (www.festa.org.nz). They're running a PledgeMe campaign right now that has 22 hours to go.

They're raising money for CityUps, the main event of this year's festival. It will see amazing temporary archutectural installations suspended from scaffolding take over the city for one night (Sat Oct 25). It will make ChCh feel like a city again for one night.

Take a look at their video and if you think it's awesome, flick them a wee donation.

The Festival runs across Labour Weekend, Oct 24 - 27 and will showcase a range of temporary, creative projects around the city. Gap Flller's coming Grandstandium project as well as the soon-to-open Retro Sports Facility, RAD Bikes and Dance-O-Mat will all be activated for the festival. It's a great time to epxlore the city. The full programme ha just gone live on the FESTA website.

Thanks for considering.

x Gap Filler


Hello $80,000!

06/06/2013 at 6:43 AM

Wow and wee we have made it to $80,000! What an incredible thing!

There is still a whole 48 hours to go and pledges are still coming in.

Like we said at the start, because it costs us to run this campaign on PledgeMe (they take a fee for their service and we need to fund some of the rewards we’re offering), we actually hoped we would blow the target and raise almost $90,000 to ensure we get $80,000 in our bank account. So it’s great for us if we pass the target and keep going! 

Whatever is raised will be helping the Pallet Pavilion be a fully functioning community venue for you to use for your event next Summer should you so wish. It has a screen, projector, PA system, stage, seats, tables and there will be a venue manager too… Outside of community events, we’ll make sure there are things going on inside the space such as live music and films.

Having all the money to pay the bills means the limitations on what more the space can offer become less.  Rest assured all the money we are given from this campaign once the administration fee is paid and we’ve sent out your lovely rewards, will be spent on our magnificent blue building.

Now we need to run and find some paint and brushes as we have a few hundred pallets to paint names on!


Target Party!

03/06/2013 at 10:39 PM

You might not realise this but we at Gap Filler know lots of talented people and one of our great friends is Lawrence Arabia, who has very kindly said he will play an exclusive gig at the Pavilion on our target night – which in case it’s not imprinted on your brain like it is ours, is this Saturday, the 8th June.

We thought if we were to make tickets to come to the gig a reward then the generosity of Lawrence Arabia to play the gig, could turn into a bigger gift the Pallet Pavilion needs to reach the target.

You will see over there on the right that there is now a new reward – called ‘Ticket to see Lawrence Arabia’.  If you pledge $10 you can choose that reward and then when you get the email to say thank you for pledging you just need to print it off and bring it with you Saturday night.

Doors (we actually have no doors but you know what we mean) open at 4.30pm at the Pallet Pavilion on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Street on Saturday 8th June.  Bring your reward email and come for a great night of either celebrating another year to come of the Pallet Pavilion or celebrating a wonderful six months past of the pavilion and an amazing 30 days of pledges.  Please let it be the former!

150 tickets are available – grab yours now!

If you want to check out the talent go to http://www.lawrencearabia.com/?cat=5

Let's go on a treasure hunt

02/06/2013 at 8:07 AM

With less than a week to go there is no time to lose or rest – we have $17,000 to find. 

Much like the children at the Pallet Pavilion treasure hunt yesterday we need to search everywhere.  Look between the cushions on the sofa, check the “bits and bobs” drawer, go through every pocket in your trousers, feel round at the bottom of your bag for the dollars floating at the bottom and raid your dad’s collection of 50c pieces for car parks – we have to make it. 

To have reached over $63,000 is HUGE and we are literally blown away by your generosity, so it would just be all wrong if we didn’t make it to $80,000 now.  If all of our 502 existing pledgers could get one more person to give $30 this week then we’ve made it.

In that famous quote of Richard Branson, who let’s face it, could easily give us $17,000 so he must know a thing or two about making money - “Screw it, Let’s do it!”.

Let’s hit our target, heck let’s go past it with a wink and a smile.

New threads?

30/05/2013 at 1:53 AM

Due to popular demand (and that we ran out) we have added 20 more T-shirts in our rewards section.

You people who have $60 to give to the campaign and would like to sport one of these snazzy numbers please pledge away!  Another twenty T-shirts taken and we’ve raised over $1,000 more towards our $80,000 target.

It’s worth noting to all you eagle eyed fans, the T-shirts we make up for the rewards will not have the spelling mistake…ahem…

Fancy a cuppa?

29/05/2013 at 9:39 AM

In honour of her Highness turning 87 this year we are having a little tea party at the pavilion this Saturday. 

Everyone is invited, so please come and eat some cake with us.  We'll be hiding some treats in the pallets for young ones to hunt for and have a couple of other fun things organised, so come and join us!

FACT: If we raise $1000 for every year Queen Elizabeth has lived then we are sorted!

Warm and fuzzy

27/05/2013 at 10:11 AM

Even though we’re getting snow warnings here in Christchurch, we’re still feeling warm and fuzzy from the beautiful day at the Pallet Pavilion yesterday.  The vintage market was packed out, live music and belly dancers kept us entertained and the café kept the energy up with coffee and homemade fudge (yum!).

Thank you to all our donators of paraphernalia for our White Elephant Stall and the raffle – we were literally overflowing with things for people to give us money for.  The proceeds of that and donations made by visitors on the day came to another $2,600 to add to our total, which is a very healthy $50,480 by the way.

If you come by the pavilion in the next few days you will see our rather fetching banner, telling all who pass by how to give (please no pledging while driving) and there’s even a thermometer that we keep painting on to show how close we are getting.

12 days and $30,000 to raise – it’s still such an ambitious challenge but by jove we think we can get there… with your help.  Tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW – pallets still available to be named!

Half way to go and we’re over half way!

24/05/2013 at 6:21 AM

Thanks to a very generous gift from a special friend to Gap Filler we have crossed over the halfway mark and we are all eyes fixed on the target.

We are SO amazed and grateful for all the support we have been given so far. Fifteen days ago we took a huge leap of faith to find out who would help us keep the pavilion in the city for another year and we are blown away by the generosity and enthusiasm we have received so far. Thank you.

So now, let’s do it all over again!

This Sunday (26th) the pavilion is host to Anissa’s Vintage Market where Gap Filler will be hosting a stall selling goods to raise money for the Pallet Pavilion.  If you have things you would like to donate for us to sell please drop it off between 9am and 5pm tomorrow (Saturday).  If you are free please come to the market on Sunday between 12 and 4pm and find a treasure to buy.

Why it's good to keep the Pavilion.

23/05/2013 at 7:53 PM

Reason #476 why it’s good to keep the Pallet Pavilion for another year.

There are many reasons why keeping the Pallet Pavilion up for another year is a good idea but we thought we would just focus on one of them today.

When the weather gets nice and sunny again and the evenings are lighter and people start to come out of hibernation, the Pallet Pavilion will get really busy.  Bands will play, comedians will be funny, parties will be booked, artists will showcase their talents and couples will share a pizza under the fairy lights.

All of these things will happen because we will have a Venue Co-ordinator who will oversee it!  Gap Filler will be able to pay someone to do a really exciting, varied and fun job for six months.  That someone will learn skills about event management, marketing, operations, tourism, customer service and volunteer management in a venue like no other.

Job creation is a great reason to keep the Pallet Pavilion another year.

Exclusive Pallet Pavilion jewellery

20/05/2013 at 10:32 PM

We thought our pledgers of $150 who have chosen Anita Parris' jewelry as a reward might like to see what pieces they can choose from if we get to our target.  Check them out:
Thing is, you only get them if we reach our target and we actually get to take your money.  We have 19 of these rewards left so come on people, snap them up and choose your one of a kind, hand made, very attractive and oh so cool pieces of bling!

Pay It Forward

19/05/2013 at 6:25 AM

Have you seen the film, ‘Pay It Forward’ with the lovely Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt, and that little chap who played Charlie in Johnny Depp’s version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?  It would make a good present for your mum.

Anyways little chap (let’s call him Charlie because I can’t remember his name), Charlie, as part of a school project, decides to do three nice things for three people and get them to “Pay It Forward” so eventually the whole world is doing nice things for people…yes okay a bit Disney but we like the principle and we thought we could apply it to our campaign.

So here’s our challenge to you!

You have already given money to the campaign (thank you so much) so you are our strongest advocates for giving.  Can you get three people to do what you have done and give to the campaign this week?

If all of our 189 pledgers got three more people to give $30 then that would bring in an extra $17,010.  Then if those new 567 pledgers each got three more people to give $30 we’d get another $51,030. That makes $68,040 – with what we have already we’d be a hop, skip and a jump from our target.

So here’s the challenge – pay it forward!  I’m off to mug three friends for $30 …

Pallet Pavilion T-shirts

30/05/2013 at 1:55 AM

Hi hi,

Some of you have been asking about the Gap Filler Pavilion t-shirt that's one of our rewards. This is it! 

The t-shirt will be blue with the rather fetching graphic modelled below. Designed by Jen McBride of ChCh.

Of course we will change the date to Summer 2013 if we reach out target.  Speaking of which....if five people pledge $60 each NOW and choose one of these lovely t-shirts as a reward we will have made it over the $10,000 line before the weekend - that's a reason to pledge some money!

10% of the way!

23/05/2013 at 7:49 PM

We're 10% of the way to our target! Thank you to the first 'true believers'.

Here's a photo from the recent Autumnal Social Soup dinner event we had in the pavilion. In Spring, we're going to have another fundraising dinner to re-open the space. The $240 pledge and reward gets you two tickets to this. Check out this photo from the recent event. Stunning! 

You need to pledge to see this update.

    Pledgers 879

    Charlotte Stace
    24/05/2013 at 8:59pm
    24/05/2013 at 7:51pm
    Loren Creedon
    24/05/2013 at 7:31pm
    Anonymous pledger
    24/05/2013 at 6:02pm
    Anonymous pledger
    24/05/2013 at 5:52pm
    Tim Herrick
    24/05/2013 at 5:51pm
    Julie Miller
    24/05/2013 at 5:29pm
    Lesley Muray
    24/05/2013 at 5:01pm
    Lesley Muray
    24/05/2013 at 4:58pm
    Anna Guenther
    24/05/2013 at 4:04pm
    Justine Armstrong and Mark Gregory
    24/05/2013 at 4:00pm
    Justine Armstrong and Mark Gregory
    24/05/2013 at 3:58pm
    megan courtney
    24/05/2013 at 3:43pm
    Tempestas Equiti
    24/05/2013 at 3:41pm
    Kirsten Nicholl
    24/05/2013 at 2:06pm
    Jeff Fulton
    24/05/2013 at 11:58am
    Melanie Dixon
    24/05/2013 at 11:50am
    24/05/2013 at 11:17am
    24/05/2013 at 11:02am
    Anonymous pledger
    24/05/2013 at 10:31am
    Billy O'Steen
    24/05/2013 at 10:28am
    24/05/2013 at 8:43am
    Leslie Freimuth
    24/05/2013 at 4:54am
    Dan Thompson
    23/05/2013 at 8:36pm
    Sarah Cawsey
    23/05/2013 at 7:38pm
    The Ganders
    23/05/2013 at 7:11pm
    The Ganders
    23/05/2013 at 7:02pm
    Anonymous pledger
    23/05/2013 at 4:52pm
    Matthew, Zoe and Lola Fox
    23/05/2013 at 3:25pm
    Glen Jansen
    23/05/2013 at 2:47pm

    Will Gap Filler's Pallet Pavilion See One More Summer? You Decide.

    Project 2013-05-08 20:57:49 +1200

    Gap Filler is a post-quake initiative activating vacant sites in Christchurch (NZ) with temporary, creative projects for community benefit. 

    There’s no easy way to say it but we need to raise $80,000 to keep the Pallet Pavilion standing for one more year.  

    (Murray Irwin, 2012)

    Eek you say, that’s a lot!  And we agree, it is a lot, but it’s not impossible and who doesn’t like to be part of an exciting challenge? 

    Our friends at PledgeMe said that the amount of money we need to raise has never been done before on their site, which we thought was a challenge we couldn’t refuse.  As with everything we do, we like to share, so we are sharing our challenge with everyone, and by everyone we mean YOU!

    We are the people that brought monopoly to the streets of Christchurch, got people on their bikes to power their outdoor movie experience, got Prince Charles to boogie on an ex-demolition site and made all your mini-golf dreams come true when we set up a free course that takes you through our flattened city centre.

    We at Gap Filler like to find a gap of nothingness (there are a few of those in Christchurch) and use it to bring new ideas to life. We experiment, activate, involve and engage the public with our temporary, creative interventions on vacant sites.

    And that’s how 250 volunteers turned 3,000 blue, wooden pallets into a pavilion for the Summer of 2012/13.  It was so good that about 25,000 people came to spend some time in it over our lovely summer.  Then when it came time to bring it down, everyone said NO!!!!

    We love it when the people speak.  We listened.  Then we got out our calculators and worked out that to keep our pavilion for one more year it would cost more than we have in our account.  Still, we’re all about making something out of nothing and we love a good challenge.

    According to our sums, if you divide $80,000 by 3,000 (that’s how many pallets we have) it’s about $30 to keep a pallet where it is for one more year.  And by keeping every pallet where it is we get to keep a whole building to use for all manner of fun and exciting things.

    We think we know 3,000 people who could give $30, after all that’s the cost of:

    ·  2 coffees and 2 sandwiches at your local coffee shop

    ·  4 AAA rechargeable batteries

    ·  1 ticket to the cinema and a bag of Maltesers

    And you get to have your name painted on the pallet you sponsor too!

    We even thought maybe we’d know a few hundred people who could give twice that much, because $60 is only the cost of:

    ·  1 bottle of average champagne

    ·  A toilet seat

    ·  1 coach ticket from Christchurch to Dunedin

    You could have your very own copy of this cool print by Johnny Knopp for $60!

    During one of our more ambitious crisis meetings, we thought there might be a few people who would like to support a dozen pallets or a line of them or even a whole wall!  Then the adding up got big and our heads were hurting, so we’ve rounded up the big numbers and created some sweet rewards to say thank you.

    Here’s our challenge to you – let’s make PledgeMe history and raise $80,000 together.  Think big, think bold, think blue (because that’s what colour our pallets are).  And if you do make our mission possible then we shall see you in the pavilion for a drink and a cuddle sometime soon….oh and we have some other thank you gifts for you to choose from over there, to your right…

    If you are a company and would like to become a Pallet Pavilion sponsor, please contact [email protected] and she can tell you all about it.

    Note. Because it costs to run the campaign, we actually need to raise almost $90,000 to get $80,000 in our bank account so we're hoping to blow the target!

    The $80 000 we need will go towards: security (which is required as part of our building consent; pallets are seen as an arson risk), power, toilet hire and cleaning, maintenance and a contribution towards someone to programme the space.

    We are already grateful to those who are supporting this campaign:

    Anita Parris for her beautiful jewellery, www.neetthings.wordpress.com


    City Ups

    08/10/2014 at 5:08 PM

    Hey Pallet Pavilion and transitional architeture fans, long time no write. The Pallet Pavilion has gone from The Commons, with all the pallets going back to CHEP and the majority of the other components going on to support other local projects in ChCh (plants, cables, tables/crates, alarms etc). 

    We at Gap Filler are tremendously supportive of the Festival of Transitional Architecture (www.festa.org.nz). They're running a PledgeMe campaign right now that has 22 hours to go.

    They're raising money for CityUps, the main event of this year's festival. It will see amazing temporary archutectural installations suspended from scaffolding take over the city for one night (Sat Oct 25). It will make ChCh feel like a city again for one night.

    Take a look at their video and if you think it's awesome, flick them a wee donation.

    The Festival runs across Labour Weekend, Oct 24 - 27 and will showcase a range of temporary, creative projects around the city. Gap Flller's coming Grandstandium project as well as the soon-to-open Retro Sports Facility, RAD Bikes and Dance-O-Mat will all be activated for the festival. It's a great time to epxlore the city. The full programme ha just gone live on the FESTA website.

    Thanks for considering.

    x Gap Filler


    Hello $80,000!

    06/06/2013 at 6:43 AM

    Wow and wee we have made it to $80,000! What an incredible thing!

    There is still a whole 48 hours to go and pledges are still coming in.

    Like we said at the start, because it costs us to run this campaign on PledgeMe (they take a fee for their service and we need to fund some of the rewards we’re offering), we actually hoped we would blow the target and raise almost $90,000 to ensure we get $80,000 in our bank account. So it’s great for us if we pass the target and keep going! 

    Whatever is raised will be helping the Pallet Pavilion be a fully functioning community venue for you to use for your event next Summer should you so wish. It has a screen, projector, PA system, stage, seats, tables and there will be a venue manager too… Outside of community events, we’ll make sure there are things going on inside the space such as live music and films.

    Having all the money to pay the bills means the limitations on what more the space can offer become less.  Rest assured all the money we are given from this campaign once the administration fee is paid and we’ve sent out your lovely rewards, will be spent on our magnificent blue building.

    Now we need to run and find some paint and brushes as we have a few hundred pallets to paint names on!


    Target Party!

    03/06/2013 at 10:39 PM

    You might not realise this but we at Gap Filler know lots of talented people and one of our great friends is Lawrence Arabia, who has very kindly said he will play an exclusive gig at the Pavilion on our target night – which in case it’s not imprinted on your brain like it is ours, is this Saturday, the 8th June.

    We thought if we were to make tickets to come to the gig a reward then the generosity of Lawrence Arabia to play the gig, could turn into a bigger gift the Pallet Pavilion needs to reach the target.

    You will see over there on the right that there is now a new reward – called ‘Ticket to see Lawrence Arabia’.  If you pledge $10 you can choose that reward and then when you get the email to say thank you for pledging you just need to print it off and bring it with you Saturday night.

    Doors (we actually have no doors but you know what we mean) open at 4.30pm at the Pallet Pavilion on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Street on Saturday 8th June.  Bring your reward email and come for a great night of either celebrating another year to come of the Pallet Pavilion or celebrating a wonderful six months past of the pavilion and an amazing 30 days of pledges.  Please let it be the former!

    150 tickets are available – grab yours now!

    If you want to check out the talent go to http://www.lawrencearabia.com/?cat=5

    Let's go on a treasure hunt

    02/06/2013 at 8:07 AM

    With less than a week to go there is no time to lose or rest – we have $17,000 to find. 

    Much like the children at the Pallet Pavilion treasure hunt yesterday we need to search everywhere.  Look between the cushions on the sofa, check the “bits and bobs” drawer, go through every pocket in your trousers, feel round at the bottom of your bag for the dollars floating at the bottom and raid your dad’s collection of 50c pieces for car parks – we have to make it. 

    To have reached over $63,000 is HUGE and we are literally blown away by your generosity, so it would just be all wrong if we didn’t make it to $80,000 now.  If all of our 502 existing pledgers could get one more person to give $30 this week then we’ve made it.

    In that famous quote of Richard Branson, who let’s face it, could easily give us $17,000 so he must know a thing or two about making money - “Screw it, Let’s do it!”.

    Let’s hit our target, heck let’s go past it with a wink and a smile.

    New threads?

    30/05/2013 at 1:53 AM

    Due to popular demand (and that we ran out) we have added 20 more T-shirts in our rewards section.

    You people who have $60 to give to the campaign and would like to sport one of these snazzy numbers please pledge away!  Another twenty T-shirts taken and we’ve raised over $1,000 more towards our $80,000 target.

    It’s worth noting to all you eagle eyed fans, the T-shirts we make up for the rewards will not have the spelling mistake…ahem…

    Fancy a cuppa?

    29/05/2013 at 9:39 AM

    In honour of her Highness turning 87 this year we are having a little tea party at the pavilion this Saturday. 

    Everyone is invited, so please come and eat some cake with us.  We'll be hiding some treats in the pallets for young ones to hunt for and have a couple of other fun things organised, so come and join us!

    FACT: If we raise $1000 for every year Queen Elizabeth has lived then we are sorted!

    Warm and fuzzy

    27/05/2013 at 10:11 AM

    Even though we’re getting snow warnings here in Christchurch, we’re still feeling warm and fuzzy from the beautiful day at the Pallet Pavilion yesterday.  The vintage market was packed out, live music and belly dancers kept us entertained and the café kept the energy up with coffee and homemade fudge (yum!).

    Thank you to all our donators of paraphernalia for our White Elephant Stall and the raffle – we were literally overflowing with things for people to give us money for.  The proceeds of that and donations made by visitors on the day came to another $2,600 to add to our total, which is a very healthy $50,480 by the way.

    If you come by the pavilion in the next few days you will see our rather fetching banner, telling all who pass by how to give (please no pledging while driving) and there’s even a thermometer that we keep painting on to show how close we are getting.

    12 days and $30,000 to raise – it’s still such an ambitious challenge but by jove we think we can get there… with your help.  Tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW – pallets still available to be named!

    Half way to go and we’re over half way!

    24/05/2013 at 6:21 AM

    Thanks to a very generous gift from a special friend to Gap Filler we have crossed over the halfway mark and we are all eyes fixed on the target.

    We are SO amazed and grateful for all the support we have been given so far. Fifteen days ago we took a huge leap of faith to find out who would help us keep the pavilion in the city for another year and we are blown away by the generosity and enthusiasm we have received so far. Thank you.

    So now, let’s do it all over again!

    This Sunday (26th) the pavilion is host to Anissa’s Vintage Market where Gap Filler will be hosting a stall selling goods to raise money for the Pallet Pavilion.  If you have things you would like to donate for us to sell please drop it off between 9am and 5pm tomorrow (Saturday).  If you are free please come to the market on Sunday between 12 and 4pm and find a treasure to buy.

    Why it's good to keep the Pavilion.

    23/05/2013 at 7:53 PM

    Reason #476 why it’s good to keep the Pallet Pavilion for another year.

    There are many reasons why keeping the Pallet Pavilion up for another year is a good idea but we thought we would just focus on one of them today.

    When the weather gets nice and sunny again and the evenings are lighter and people start to come out of hibernation, the Pallet Pavilion will get really busy.  Bands will play, comedians will be funny, parties will be booked, artists will showcase their talents and couples will share a pizza under the fairy lights.

    All of these things will happen because we will have a Venue Co-ordinator who will oversee it!  Gap Filler will be able to pay someone to do a really exciting, varied and fun job for six months.  That someone will learn skills about event management, marketing, operations, tourism, customer service and volunteer management in a venue like no other.

    Job creation is a great reason to keep the Pallet Pavilion another year.

    Exclusive Pallet Pavilion jewellery

    20/05/2013 at 10:32 PM

    We thought our pledgers of $150 who have chosen Anita Parris' jewelry as a reward might like to see what pieces they can choose from if we get to our target.  Check them out:
    Thing is, you only get them if we reach our target and we actually get to take your money.  We have 19 of these rewards left so come on people, snap them up and choose your one of a kind, hand made, very attractive and oh so cool pieces of bling!

    Pay It Forward

    19/05/2013 at 6:25 AM

    Have you seen the film, ‘Pay It Forward’ with the lovely Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt, and that little chap who played Charlie in Johnny Depp’s version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?  It would make a good present for your mum.

    Anyways little chap (let’s call him Charlie because I can’t remember his name), Charlie, as part of a school project, decides to do three nice things for three people and get them to “Pay It Forward” so eventually the whole world is doing nice things for people…yes okay a bit Disney but we like the principle and we thought we could apply it to our campaign.

    So here’s our challenge to you!

    You have already given money to the campaign (thank you so much) so you are our strongest advocates for giving.  Can you get three people to do what you have done and give to the campaign this week?

    If all of our 189 pledgers got three more people to give $30 then that would bring in an extra $17,010.  Then if those new 567 pledgers each got three more people to give $30 we’d get another $51,030. That makes $68,040 – with what we have already we’d be a hop, skip and a jump from our target.

    So here’s the challenge – pay it forward!  I’m off to mug three friends for $30 …

    Pallet Pavilion T-shirts

    30/05/2013 at 1:55 AM

    Hi hi,

    Some of you have been asking about the Gap Filler Pavilion t-shirt that's one of our rewards. This is it! 

    The t-shirt will be blue with the rather fetching graphic modelled below. Designed by Jen McBride of ChCh.

    Of course we will change the date to Summer 2013 if we reach out target.  Speaking of which....if five people pledge $60 each NOW and choose one of these lovely t-shirts as a reward we will have made it over the $10,000 line before the weekend - that's a reason to pledge some money!

    10% of the way!

    23/05/2013 at 7:49 PM

    We're 10% of the way to our target! Thank you to the first 'true believers'.

    Here's a photo from the recent Autumnal Social Soup dinner event we had in the pavilion. In Spring, we're going to have another fundraising dinner to re-open the space. The $240 pledge and reward gets you two tickets to this. Check out this photo from the recent event. Stunning! 

    You need to pledge to see this update.

      Charlotte Stace
      24/05/2013 at 8:59pm
      24/05/2013 at 7:51pm
      Loren Creedon
      24/05/2013 at 7:31pm
      Anonymous pledger
      24/05/2013 at 6:02pm
      Anonymous pledger
      24/05/2013 at 5:52pm
      Tim Herrick
      24/05/2013 at 5:51pm
      Julie Miller
      24/05/2013 at 5:29pm
      Lesley Muray
      24/05/2013 at 5:01pm
      Lesley Muray
      24/05/2013 at 4:58pm
      Anna Guenther
      24/05/2013 at 4:04pm
      Justine Armstrong and Mark Gregory
      24/05/2013 at 4:00pm
      Justine Armstrong and Mark Gregory
      24/05/2013 at 3:58pm
      megan courtney
      24/05/2013 at 3:43pm
      Tempestas Equiti
      24/05/2013 at 3:41pm
      Kirsten Nicholl
      24/05/2013 at 2:06pm
      Jeff Fulton
      24/05/2013 at 11:58am
      Melanie Dixon
      24/05/2013 at 11:50am
      24/05/2013 at 11:17am
      24/05/2013 at 11:02am
      Anonymous pledger
      24/05/2013 at 10:31am
      Billy O'Steen
      24/05/2013 at 10:28am
      24/05/2013 at 8:43am
      Leslie Freimuth
      24/05/2013 at 4:54am
      Dan Thompson
      23/05/2013 at 8:36pm
      Sarah Cawsey
      23/05/2013 at 7:38pm
      The Ganders
      23/05/2013 at 7:11pm
      The Ganders
      23/05/2013 at 7:02pm
      Anonymous pledger
      23/05/2013 at 4:52pm
      Matthew, Zoe and Lola Fox
      23/05/2013 at 3:25pm
      Glen Jansen
      23/05/2013 at 2:47pm
      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 29/06/2013 at 12:38 AM.